Page 8 of Tats

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I chuckle at her remark and decide to spend a while with her before I head home. I haven't checked my phone, and I refuse to. I've done my job with the club, and told them about the business income.

An hour later, I kiss Grams before walking out. She and Tims are discussing tactics to scare away the new assistant. I notice Violet heading my way as I turn left out of the room, and I give her a smile when we lock eyes.

"Hey, Vi, long time no see." Susan, who was walking with Violet, looks between us and smiles.

"I'll be in the sitting area with Betty, Violet. Come in when you're ready. I promise she'll love you, and you'd be a great addition here."

Violet winces at Susan's words, and I grin wide, knowing she's been told all about my Grams. She looks at me again, and I smile, asking, "How have you been since…."

I don't finish the sentence. I can't.

She gives me a sad smile. "Since I blacked out after finding out my parents were gone?"

I clear my throat and shuffle my feet a little, but I nod.

She continues, "I'm doing okay. I'm working full-time while attending graduate school. I start here next week and will hopefully gain more experience from the nurses."

I grin at that. "Graduate school, huh?"

She blushes but nods. "Yeah. It was always my passion to become an ER doctor, and thankfully, I managed to stay a year ahead of peers my age despite only attending school part-time and doing online part-time."

I nod, feeling fucking proud of her and about to tell her so, when a hand snakes around my waist, causing Vi to look down.

I grind my teeth as Valerie whispers loud enough for Violet to hear, "About time you became free, baby. Our usual room is ready. Let's go."

I meet Violet’s gaze and swallow hard, knowing this is a dick move. But my cock is hard from simply being near this woman, and I need to remind myself why I can't go near her when right now, all I want to do is grab hold of her. And keep her.

Fuck. I don't do relationships, and I know Violet is worth more than casual, which is more than I can give her.

I give Vi a tight smile, grabbing Valerie's hand. "It was good seeing you again, Shorty, and uh, just smile sweetly at Betty. I promise my Grams will warm up to you."

Valerie snorts, thinking I'm bullshitting, but I'm not. Violet has that sweet nature about her, plus Grams knew Violet’s momma, so she'll take her under her wing.

I give her one last look, our eyes connecting. Moments later, I’m heading off with Valerie, feeling fucking dirty, but knowing I can't claim a girl who's too good for me.


Violet – 21 Years Old

I watch with my heart in my throat as Tats walks into a room with the black-haired beauty. Her green eyes pop, and she has a body any girl would die for.

She's perfect for him, and I hate her instantly.

I hear a gasp before a moan, and I flinch, praying I don't cry.

I haven't seen him in years so why I feel emotionally upset, I don't know. It's not like I've been pining for the guy who couldn't even remember taking my virginity. I had only just broken up with my boyfriend last month after six months of dating. Finding him in a compromising position with his TA made it easy for me to end things.

I wasn't heartbroken or upset, which kind of says a lot, really, so this feeling right now sucks.

Ever since the sheriff broke the news of my parents being killed by a hit and run, not only has my heart hardened, but things have been difficult.

After passing out at hearing the news, I'd woken up in a hospital bed to a social worker expressing that even though I lived at the sorority house, I was still underage at seventeen, and had to move into the group home in town until I turned eighteen. They stated I could still attend college, which I managed to do, but only part-time. After paying off the funeral bills and all of my 'father's' debts for his landscaping business, which I ended up selling, there was nothing left. Their life insurance was gone, and roughly a quarter of the income from selling the business went to my school to ensure I could continue for the rest of the year. The rest was tied up paying off people's wages.

I worked two jobs to save up for the remaining three years, and I took out a student loan while taking some online classes to ensure I stayed ahead.

I ended up leaving the sorority, the social worker not budging, and shocker, they all turned against me despite knowing my situation. That could have been because Penny tried copying me in class, and I called her out on it in front of the class and teacher. She ended up getting kicked out of school after the Dean forced her to take three different exams and she failed them all.

In my defense, it was two days after my parent's funeral, so I don't know what she expected.
