Page 73 of Tats

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She nods and states, "I-I can't believe you stole that equipment. It costs thousands."

Snake snorts, and Doc lifts her shirt, , showcasing her bump, and squirting some gel on her skin.

"Not helping, Vi. Besides, we all know you've done worse. Tats' bike comes to mind."

She smiles a little, and I wink at Doc in thanks, making him smirk before taking a deep breath. With a shake of his shoulders, he places the doppler on her swollen, bruised stomach, and our baby pops up on the screen.

Doc moves the wand around as we all hold our breaths.

He whispers, "Fuck me…." then points at the screen, a little flicker blinking in the middle of a gray-toned outline. He rasps, "Can you see that?" He looks at us, his eyes full of unshed tears. "That's your baby's heartbeat."

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…. Fills the room as he presses some buttons.

Violet sobs as my tears fall. My dad and Snake both grip my shoulders. Doc shakes his head, then checks the baby out.

He does the measurements, looking over our baby as he whispers in shock, "Fuck, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I can't see any abnormalities, but there is a dark shadow over the cord. The baby does look healthy, but there isn't a 100% guarantee. There could be a chance that you have PVL due to the fact you didn't feel the baby move for quite some time. There is also a chance of brain damage. I want to monitor you daily throughout the rest of your pregnancy, and you will need to rest. You can continue your schooling at home, but work is a big no-no for now."

Violet nods, crying, "Anything…" as I hold her hand tighter.

I know there's a long road ahead, and I know our child may suffer as he grows, but with the way my brothers, fuck, even my father is looking at the screen, I know we'll be alright.

I look up and make eye contact with Snake and Smokey before looking at every single brother in the room.

"I've made my decision." All the brothers hold their breaths in anticipation.



I smile at Noah as he carefully walks to me with a glass of water. Jayden asked him to keep an eye on me when they went into church, and the boy took it seriously.

He places the glass in front of me, making me grin at him as he states, "There you go, Aunty Vi."

"Thanks, sweetheart," I rasp, and drink the cool liquid.

Liv clears her throat, making us look at her. She raises a brow at him and asks, "And where is mine, young man?" He grins, pulling a bottle of cola out of his back pocket, turning my chuckle into a laugh. Liv grins wide, taking it from him, and saying, "Thanks, sweet boy," as he sits next to me, placing his head on my shoulder, his hand going to my bump.

I'm lucky, very lucky.

The fact that the baby survived is a miracle. I know there is a chance he could have brain damage, but so far, I have felt him move every day, which Doc has said is a good thing, a really good thing.

I'm taking it a day at a time, although the club is ecstatic.

I sob as Jayden kisses my head over and over as our son's heartbeat echoes through the room. Iron fist bumps the air, saying, "Fuck yeah," before rushing out of the room.

I keep my eyes on the screen, watching his little heart beating, not understanding how he survived as Iron’s voice booms, "The baby has a fucking heartbeat; he survived!"

Cheers sound as Emily rushes and sees the monitor, and Liv soon pushes her way in as well.

I look back at the monitor and grip Jayden's hand.

He survived.

I gently lean my head on Noah's, trying not to flinch at my sore cheek. Doc said I didn't require surgery, but it could take up to six weeks to heal.

Stupid Dexter and his stupid gambling addiction.

He's taken so much from me, and the fact he didn’t take my baby is a miracle, one I’m not taking for granted. It's why I agreed to quit my job. Though we still go to the home three or four times a week. Jayden mentioned Betty had a heart attack after finding out about my kidnapping. He had to call her just so I'd calm down after demanding he take me to see her.
