Page 70 of Tats

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Snake cuts her off. "Now, Emily."

My breaths come out in sharp gasps, causing Snake to pull back and grip my uninjured cheek.

He states firmly, "Breathe, Violet. Deep breaths, come on…."

I shake my head. "I-I c-can't, I-I—" My words are cut off as I sob louder.

My baby….

I can feel myself getting drowsy, my breaths coming in short.

"Fuck, Vi, come on, breathe for me, darling," he says in a panic as the door bangs open.

My sobs come out harder at the sight of Jayden.

His eyes widen as he rushes over and cups my cheeks gently. His hands are cut and covered in blood from hitting the punching bag without wrapping his hands. Snake leans back but stays on the bed, gripping my leg.

"Shorty, breathe for me. baby, please," Jayden rasps.

I can hear sobs in the doorway, making me flinch, and Snake snaps, "Women out now, no fucking questions. Smoke call Doc!"

I hear protests through my choppy breathing, but Jayden ignores them as he leans forward, pressing his lips to my forehead and whispering, "Please, Vi, I need you to take deep breaths for me."

I listen to his voice, trying to take deep breaths.

"That's it, Shorty. Breathe with me, baby. I've got you, keep breathing with me…."

I take deep breaths, focusing on his touch, on the way his thumb glides against my jaw. My breathing eases, and his and Snake's bodies both loosen with relief.

When I'm calm enough, my gaze connects with Jayden’s, who smiles slightly as he rasps, "I've missed you, baby," and I let out a little sob.

I croak, "I-I'm so sorry," causing his eyes to soften as he shakes his head.

He replies, "It's not your fault, Vi. None of this is your fault."

My tears fall as I admit, "He-he killed my parents." Both men suck in a breath. "And-and now he-he's killed our boy…."

Jayden's tears fall as he places his forehead against mine, his hand going to my bump.

An hour later, I've finally calmed down as Jayden, Snake, and Iron sit with me. Doc has come in and checked me over. We discussed going to the hospital tomorrow for a full scan, and then a procedure to start labor, where I'll have to give birth to our baby.

I cried for a while after that.

Right now, I'm leaning against Jayden, my back to his front, as he rubs my bump, his face in my neck. Snake and Iron sit with us, watching me like a hawk as I stare into space.

He killed my baby….

"So, son, when are you ordering your wife's cut?" Iron randomly asks, causing Snake to sit up straighter.

"Dad…" Jayden warns, but I cut him off.

I admit numbly, "It's hanging in the closet at home. I've worn it most of the times we've gone out on his bike."

Jayden groans as both his dad and prez look at me wide-eyed.

I feel him deflate behind me before kissing behind my ear, and then rasping, "Traitor," but I think his lips tilt, and I turn my head, making eye contact with him. He smiles, stating, "I love you, you know that?"

I nod slightly, and he leans forward. He presses his lips against my forehead.
