Page 61 of Tats

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The clubwhores moan but listen while the old ladies stay seated, refusing to leave. Liv's eyes are solely focused on me as they tear up, knowing it's about Violet.

She rasps, "I'm not going anywhere."

I give her a nod as Tech booms, "Fuck!" before setting the TV up.

We all look to see my girl's pickup being smashed into by an old sedan, causing it to spin before the sedan hits her again harder. Her pickup flips, and I roar out in pain, gripping my hair watching her body fling around the cab.

We all watch in horror as a masked man grabs her arms and drags her out of the pickup’s smashed window, dragging her through the fucking glass. I grab the nearest chair and fling it at the wall, causing the women to scream as Liv cries for her friend.

"Jayden?" Snake questions as tears fall down my cheeks.

I look at him, full of pain and rasp, in the quiet clubhouse, "Snatch and Colleen arranged for Violet, my wife, to be taken."

The brothers all stand in shock as Momma steps toward me, and asks angrily, "You married Violet and never told me?"

My father snaps, "Not now, Emily," causing Momma to scowl at him, her face red, about to say something else, but he growls, "Not fucking now."

I look back at Snake and speak up, "For years, this club has failed me." He flinches. "I have been passed around from pillar to post, to old ladies, who refused to feed me and hated that they had to watch me." The women sob, knowing they did as my tears fall faster. "I was forced to watch the brothers fuck Snatch. I was left alone with a woman who beat it into my head that I was unwanted, that my dad begged her to abort me. I was made to feel like an enemy when I devoted my life to the brotherhood. I was made to feel like I couldn't even be trusted." I look around the room, showing the club the pain they put me through. I look at Snake, who now has Sarah under his arm, crying openly for me. I rasp, "This club owes me."

Snake nods, tears shining in his eyes as he rasps back, "We will get your wife back, I promise you, brother."

I nod, trying my hardest not to sob as I look toward Doc. We make eye contact, and he shakes his head, not wanting me to ask, but I need to know. " What are the chances, Doc?"

His eyes shine, not wanting to answer as he whispers, "A crash like that, and then being dragged…. The chances of the baby surviving are slim, brother."

I let out a sob and fall to the floor, gripping my hair as my momma screams out in pain, women around the room openly sobbing as slim arms wrap around me, my sister's vanilla perfume hitting my senses as she tries to soothe me.



Pain shoots through me, my mouth feeling dry as….

I try to move my arms but blink when I realize I can't, and panic sets in. My eyes roam around the room as nausea fills me. I'm tied to a metal bed, my hands and legs secured to each post.

I my heart pounds with fear as flashes of my pickup flipping come back to me and worry for my baby hits me hard.

Oh God! My baby….

I pull on the rope, ignoring the throbbing in my head and the pain in my side, desperate to get out of this.

When the knots won't give, I can feel my panic building.

"Please, please, please…" I whisper, yanking the rope harder, feeling wetness slick around my wrists.

I feel the rope slowly give way, and hope springs until I hear footsteps and quickly pause. My pulse quickens as the metal door opens. My eyes widen when they connect with my uncle's.

What the….

He glares at me, looking like a mess. His black hair is greasy, his clothes a mess, and God, is that smell him?

"Did you think I wouldn't find you, huh?" His eyes were wild. "Did you think I wouldn't follow you shacking up with that biker? Who knew you were a slut like your momma."

Son of a….

My anger spikes, causing my mouth to run, "My momma wasn't a slut. You’re just sour because she didn't want you! And that biker, Uncle Dexter, is my husband." His face goes from red to pale within seconds, and I smirk, stating, "You better hope he never finds you because I can guarantee you're a dead man walking for taking his wife."

He snaps out of it, rushing over to me. One moment, he's across the room, and the next, a fist is hitting my face, dazing me as pain blooms through my jaw.
