Page 51 of Tats

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I pull up behind my girl as she parks in front of the house, my mind still in shock.

Fucking pregnant.

Am I scared of being a dad when my own dad was shitty? Fuck yes, I am, but I'm also excited because I know, with this woman by my side, everything will be okay. Unless we're having a girl, then I'm fucked.

I freeze for a moment. Crap, what if we are having a girl? I think I need to load up on ammo.

I quickly climb off my bike and walk over to her pickup as the door opens, needing my wife in my arms, her look of pain from earlier still haunting me. She starts to climb out before I'm on her, making her smile, worry still etched in her pretty, caramel eyes. I wrap my arms around her, and lift her out of the pickup, making her wrap her legs around my waist, her arms around my neck. I shut the door, then kiss her softly, making her arms tighten around me.

Fuck, how did I get so lucky?

I move my head back a little and rasp, "I love you, Shorty," hoping to ease her concerns after this afternoon.

Her lips meet mine again just as she whispers, "I love you, too."

I hold her tighter, letting her take the lead for a few seconds before I take over the kiss and push my tongue into her mouth, tangling it with hers, turning up the heat, my jeans getting tighter.

Watching her walk out of the door at the club as a bridesmaid, my heart fucking soared with a happy shock. She looked like a vision, but seeing the pain in her eyes when Colleen decided to be clingy just cemented my not wanting her involved with the club. The women seem to think they have a hold on the brothers. I refuse for my woman to be caught up in their drama, especially when the boys don't want to fire the bitch despite Cannon now working with me.

That issue, and the baby, just made my decision to leave the club easier.

I refuse for my child to be treated like I was: an outsider, someone unwanted, and with it being my blood, I can't guarantee they'll accept the baby. A part of me wants to give the brothers a chance, but with years of mental abuse, I can't risk it.

A fresh start with just my girl and our child sounds good right now.

I walk toward the house, my lips on my girl, loving her taste. Vi's fingers run through my hair as I somehow get us indoors, slamming the door, before I lean her against it and pull up her lilac dress, exposing her to my hungry gaze. Using my hips to hold her in place, I break the kiss to completely remove the dress and throw it behind us. I kiss her again, her hands going to my cut, taking it off. She hangs it beside us, making me chuckle against her lips as her fingers go to my button shirt. I expect her to unbutton my shirt, instead, she rips it open, making buttons ping everywhere.

Fuck me, that is hot.

Her hands glide along my shoulders, pushing the fabric off, dropping it on the floor, our kiss getting hotter.

I place my hands on her ass, then move us away from the door, blindly walking us up the stairs to our room, where I slowly lay her on our bed.

I pull back a little, and raise a brow at the sheets that are no longer covered in glitter and pink dust, but she just shrugs and grabs my chin, pulling me back down, and making me chuckle. I kiss her lips before nipping her jaw.

She rasps, "I thought we were going to get into the tub?"

I hum, gently sucking her neck before running my tongue down to her generous breasts, which feel a little larger.

How in the fuck did I miss that?

I nip her nipple through her lilac bra, making her gasp, lifting her hips for friction. I smile as I reach behind her arched back and unclip her bra, throwing it on the floor as I take her nipple into my mouth.

"Jayden…" she breathes as I gently bite it, then suck hard, before showing her other tit the same attention.

Slowly, I move my tongue to the middle of her chest. "I can stop, and we can get into the tub, if you like…."

She growls, clearly not liking that idea. I chuckle as I move further down her body. When I reach her belly, I notice the slight pooch I hadn't seen before, and my heart pounds.

Our baby is in there.

I hold her hips, press my lips against her belly, and whisper, "Hi baby, I'm your daddy, and I'm going to love you so much." Vi lets out a sob, her hand going into my hair as I continue. “Now, I need to pay your momma some attention. Close your ears for me."

She giggles, and I kiss her stomach one more time before slowly moving down her body, my fingers hooking her panties, pulling them down. I kiss her pubic bone, then pussy lips, purposely missing her clit, making her move her hips. I kiss down to her thighs, then down her legs as I take her panties off, along with her heels. I throw them on the floor, then stand.

I need to be inside her.
