Page 45 of Tats

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"Honestly, his dick is so good he fills me so deep I can feel him for days. This time though, I want him to take my ass. I would love to feel him there." She gets a dreamy look on her face, making me raise a brow as we all watch her. "God, Claire, he said he was thinking of making me his old lady."

Betty growls louder, her face going red, making me sigh.

The woman's about to blow.

Just as she goes to open her mouth, the man himself walks in to visit his Grams before my shift ends in ten minutes. His eyes automatically go to me, and I smile wide at the love shining back at me.

He takes a step toward me, his white T-shirt straining against his muscles as Valerie steps in his way. I sit back and cross my arms over my chest, about to enjoy the show, knowing Betty has a short fuse because of Patty. I may not be able to get involved, but Betty certainly can.

The bitch goes to touch him, and he steps back, raising a brow at her before asking, "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

She freezes for a moment before looking toward Claire, who raises a brow at her lying friend. I snort, fake coughing to cover it, but by the look of Jayden's smirk, he caught it.

Valerie clears her throat and whines, "Tat's, baby, why are you acting so off after last night?"

Ha, last night he was inside me all night, literally all night. I fell asleep on top of him after our second session, his dick deep inside.

She approaches him, and I glare at how close they are. His gaze moves to me, and he smirks at my reaction, making me raise a brow and mouth, "Treadmill." He narrows his eyes at me while I smirk.

I may or may not have rubbed honey on his treadmill this morning.

He landed with a nice loud thud.

I shrug at him. I may still be a little pissed about the whole school thing, then there was the little news my doctor gave me yesterday at my appointment to update my contraceptive to the shot instead of the pill.

The guy is on my shit list.

I go to open my mouth when the bitch pushes her fake tits into his chest, but Betty explodes.

"Seriously Jayden? That slut? You’re making that slut your old lady?"

He raises a brow at a red-faced Betty as Patty slowly leaves the room, valuing her life.

Valerie pales as Claire tries not to laugh along with old man Tims.

She continues, "What about Colleen, huh? She loves you."

Ouch. I flinch, Jayden noticing. Colleen has been trying to get him to screw her near enough every time he's at the ink studio, or whenever it's been mandatory for him to attend a club party.

She warned me to stay away from him three years ago, and now we're madly in love. I can't even tell her to back off because our relationship is in the shadows, which, to be honest, I can't be mad at. Can you imagine the amount of people that would try to butt in if we went public?


Jayden's eyes go cold seeing the pain on my face, Betty bringing Colleen up is a sore subject for me, and he knows it. He looks at Valerie and the look on his face causes her to take a step back.

He says coldly, "We have not fucked in four years. Stop bullshitting people and get the fuck out of my face…now!"

I see her visibly flinch before she runs out of the room, Claire cackling behind her.

Huh, maybe they're not friends….

Jayden looks at an angered Betty and snaps, "First of all, Grams, I'll fuck who I want, when I want!"

I tilt my head at him. Is he brave or stupid for speaking to his grandmother that way? I look at Betty, who looks ready to throw something at him. Stupid, yep, he's stupid.

Jayden continues, "Secondly, Colleen is a patch-chasing bitch, and fucking her was a big mistake. She continues to make my life fucking hell, and I can't fire her because she's close to a few old ladies in the club. I still have just over two months until the end of my contract, and I'm sorry, Grams, if you have it in your head that the bitch is the perfect match for your grandson, then you’re wrong. I'm happy with my life."

"By screwing around with anyone who has a pair of tits?"
