Page 24 of Up in Flames

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The sound of his heartbeat and the rhythm of his breathing seems to sync with my own, and my pulses quicken in anticipation. His lips find my forehead in a tender kiss.

His gentle hands explore my body, sending shivers down my spine. His touch is so tender and loving, yet it stirs something deep within me, something electric and wild. His fingertips seem to find every inch of my skin, tracing patterns on my arms and over my neck. I breathe in his scent once more, letting it fill me.

His lips travel down my neck and I gasp, my body arching into him as his kisses left a trail of fire across my skin. His hands move lower, cupping my body, exploring each curve and valley.

His eyes explore mine and I come undone as he leans in and captures my lips in a passionate kiss. His mouth moves over mine with urgency, sending waves of pleasure through me. His hands continue their exploration, sending shockwaves of pleasure from my neck to my toes.

The fire burns deep within me almost bursting into flames, and my entire body comes alive. Our kiss grows deeper and more passionate as our bodies move in perfect synchronicity. His hands move to my waist, drawing me closer to him as he tastes and explores every inch of my body. His touch is so tender and gentle yet so strong and demanding. It sends a wave of pleasure through me, my body trembling and begging for more.

He moves lower still, exploring the curve of my hips and the softness of my thighs. His hands move up and down my body, exploring and caressing every inch as our kisses grow more passionate.

Our bodies move together as one, as I rise higher and higher. I am lost in an ocean of pleasure, my body alive and electric. His hands explore every part of me, leaving a fire in their wake. He moves lower still and a warmth spreads from the inside out, the intensity of our passion filling me.

The waves of pleasure run through me, coursing through my veins and setting my skin on fire. He sweeps me away, every part of me tingling. I scream out as our bodies reach their peak, the intensity of our passion driving us both over the edge.

He holds me close, his hands still exploring my body as we lay together on the couch. A wave of peace washes over me, our bodies entwined in a blissful embrace. I close my eyes and sigh, my heart overflowing with love and desire.

“Let’s go outside. I want to show you something special.”

We get dressed and the two of us step out into the night air and Adonis guides me away. As we walk through fields across the street, filled with stars glittering in the sky above them he explains why this place is so special; Britney introduced him to this place. He comes here often. This field under starlit skies is one of those places he goes looking up at the stars with hope for better days ahead – anything is possible despite whatever obstacle life has thrown his way.

As we reach a small clearing, Adonis turns to face me while saying, “This is our secret spot – look up at all these beautiful twinkling stars! You can almost imagine each one has its own story waiting behind itself like little packages ready to be opened if we have time enough…” His voice trails off as he smiles down on me before continuing. “Look closely and you will see nothing less than miracles scattered across an untouched canvas painted by nature herself. It's breathtakingly beautiful, isn't it?”

I nod, too moved to speak. Adonis pulls me closer into his embrace and we lay down on the grass, gazing up at the stars with our arms around each other's shoulders. We stay here until well after midnight.

Adonis points out the constellations - Gemini, Scorpio and Aquarius- and tells me stories about each of them. He describes how people from all walks of life look to the night skies for guidance throughout history, emphasizing these objects are not pretty stars in a distant sky but beacons to look up towards during times when strength is required; they symbolize continuity and hope while also being a reminder no matter our troubles or suffering we can find answers hidden within nature if we care enough to pause amidst our worries long enough. There's something calmingly tranquil about gazing up at those lights.

When the stars are particularly bright, a brilliant shooting star streaks across the inky black sky. I shudder with amazement and Adonis squeezes me while we both make a wish. He whispers into my ear. “That's another miracle to add to our collection,” before kissing me passionately under the starlit skies.

We make our way back home holding hands while stargazing along the route. When we reach my apartment, he hesitates. “I’m pretty tired. I should head home.”

“I’d rather you stay with me tonight…”

He smiles and takes my hand leading me to the bedroom.

How did I get so damn lucky?



The sun has already set, the sky a deep navy blue, and the stars have begun to show up in the night sky. Ryan and I are seated at the diner, and Raven is running around taking orders. The diner is packed which is a good sign for her.

"So, what brings you here? I know how sick you are of eating here all the time."

Ryan's expression changes. He looks away for a moment, almost as if he is hesitant to tell me something. When he looks back at me, his gaze is serious.

"Raven's ex has been calling her," he says. "He's been begging her to come back to him."

A sharp pang hits in my chest, a feeling I recognize as jealousy. Raven has moved on from her past relationship, but to think that her ex is now reaching out to her, after all this time, is a bit of a shock.

I take a deep breath, trying to stay composed. "Why didn't she tell me?" I ask.

Ryan shrugs. "I guess she didn't want to worry you," he replies.

I can't help but wonder if there is something else she is hiding. I'm not a jealous person, but this is different. I try my best to show Raven what she deserves, and I don't want to think that she might choose her ex over me.

"Do you think she would go back to him?" I ask.
