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Petting my hair, he kisses the top of my head. Strain tightens his voice. “You’re driving me crazy. I knew feeling you come around me would be fantastic, but nothing could have prepared me for how good that feels.”

I should be sated, but I can’t get enough of him. I tilt my pelvis, changing the angle and creating more delight. “I can’t. So good.”

He holds my hips and fucks me from below. His moans mix with mine.

Sitting up, I throw my head back and ride him hard and fast until my body convulses with pleasure and he empties himself deep inside me, taking the orgasm to another level. I collapse and roll to the side.

Cade pulls me into the circle of his arms and holds me close. “You are everything, little lioness.”

“I don’t know anything about you,” I whisper, wondering if I should keep my mouth shut and keep all of this the dream it is.

“Don’t you?” His lips press to the back of my neck.

I sigh. “You live in the woods in a beautiful home. What do you do for a living, or don’t people like you work?”

“I have investments left to me by my parents and I live extremely comfortably from those. I have a broker’s license and do some advising to a select group of clients. I pay my taxes and stay out of trouble.” His voice is soft and strong and even after the marathon sex, it stirs me to want him all over again.

“How do you explain your age on paper?” It’s another question that’s been nagging at me. “Are there other creatures like you?” I’m trying to figure out how this dream goes beyond a weekend and into real life. Emotions bloom inside me and I have to bite my lip to keep from crying.

Rolling me over so that I’m on my back and he’s leaning over me, he meets my gaze. “On paper, I have to die every so often and then become a new person, but it’s easy enough to make that happen. Why do you look ready to sob?”

My chin quivers, and I can’t get it to stop no matter how hard I bite my lip. “How do I fit into this life?”

“Any way you want to, Leona.” He says it so softly, sweetly, that his emotions show, too. “I don’t know much about how you live, but I will do whatever you need to see you beyond this weekend.” He sighs and kisses my forehead. “There are other monsters in various places. Some live in secret and there are a few towns where they live in the open.”

Gulping in air helps the well of worry from brimming over. “I’m a technical consultant for digital marketing. I live in Brooklyn in a tiny apartment. I refuse to take money from my parents, so it’s all I can afford at the moment.”

Cade leans his back on the headboard, opening his arms for me to sit with him.

Pulling the sheet with me as if he hasn’t already seen every inch of me, I cuddle against his chest. “I’m having a hard time seeing how this thing between us works. I mean after I go home.” I’m jumping to a lot of conclusions and making assumptions about his feelings, which is not like me.

His arms tighten around me. “Let’s get dressed and get you back to the resort for your family dinner.”

That’s it then. He’ll drop me off, and I’ll never see him again. I know he said he wants more, but men say things to gain what they want. Look at all the lies Derek told me and I knew him for years. I’ve only known Cade for a fraction of that time. At least I have this afternoon as the best memory of my life. I wipe away a rogue tear and get out of bed. Gathering my clothes, I dash into the bathroom. I slide the black barn door closed before the waterworks start.

Dropping my clothes on the black granite vanity between two copper sinks, I take a deep breath, hoping it will push aside my emotions. It turns into more of a shudder and I cover my mouth to keep the sob from being audible.

Get a grip, Leona. You just met this guy. He’s a monster. Well, a monster who happens to seem like the best man I’ve ever known. How was this ever going to end well? It wasn’t, so pull yourself together.

The shower is glass with one end open. The tile has flecks of copper that catch the light. I turn on the water and hope the sound covers my inability to stop crying. As soon as it’s warm, I step under the spray and sob.

The wheels of the barn door roll against its track. Rather than turn around, I keep my back to the door and pray he won’t notice I’m a wreck!

Cade steps under the water and the heat of his body engulfs me before he wraps his arms around me. “Are you having regrets about today?”

I shake my head. How could I ever regret a single minute with him? No. I’ll never regret today, only that I’m ruined for life because this will be what any relationship is compared to and nothing can live up to perfection.

“What is it?” He turns me in his arms and uses his body to block the water from spraying in my face. Everything about him is kind and considerate.

“I don’t know how I became so attached, but I’m sad about what happens when you drop me off today.” Why was I so honest? I’m pathetic.

Kissing my forehead, then my cheek, he pulls me tight against his body. “I’m not giving up on you or us. I don’t know how this works out, but somehow, we’ll find a way. If you agree, I’d like to meet your family. You could bring me to dinner tonight.”

My emotions turn from sorrow to panic. My family is a nightmare. “Why would you want to meet them?”

“Because they are a part of your life. If you don’t want them to meet me, I understand.” He pulls back and the water sprays between us.

This is a crazy conversation to have naked in the shower, but he has to know. “It’s not them meeting you that I’m worried about, Cade. They can be a bit much. Once you meet them, you’ll find out that…”

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