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“You said you explained last night.” Master sounded frustrated.

“Of course he didn’t,” Daddy bit out, folding his arms over his massive chest.

“I didn’t go into detail, just a brief history of our interest in her since high school. I never agreed to put a damper on my time with her by telling her more.” Eric’s chest puffed up and Corinne swore she smelled the testosterone flooding the air.

“Hello. I am in the room. Stop referring to me as if I wasn’t. Stop debating over the task of who is going to explain what’s going on. Daddy, er, I mean Todd, you do it. You are less likely to cloud the decision with too many complicated details.”

He gave her a look that chilled her. Was it because she voiced her opinion about him measuring his words before speaking... or because she dropped the official title he’d ordered her to use?

Jeffrey and Eric made as if they were going to speak, but Todd cut them off. “By the end of the day, we expect you to make a very serious decision. The way I see it, there are only four options, so it shouldn’t take long to make up your mind.”

He was pissed about the suggestion he wasn’t a man of many words and her disrespect, Corinne concluded. Bowing her head slightly, she was mindful of choosing her next words. “What four choices are those, Daddy?”

He rewarded her with a brief nod and this time his tone was less terse. “You can decide you want to put this getaway past you, and we all agree to return home and never mention it again.”

Daddy couldn’t have hurt her more if he had punched her in the gut. The one thing she feared must about tomorrow was returning to her boring, unsatisfying past.

Coldly, she responded, “And my other three choices?”

Daddy smiled at her gently. “You can pick me.”

“Or you could select me,” Boss bit out.

“When the time comes, I have little doubt you will claim me, Corinne-girl.” Master raised his cup to his thin lips with an arrogance she both hated and appreciated.

And so, they left her, sitting open-mouthed at the table, as they went their separate ways so she could think about her choice.

Corinne was muttering and shaking her head. “Four choices. Easy decisions. Life without mind-blowing passion or being cold and lonely again.” Damn them, she didn’t have four choices, because the first one was not even a consideration. But who to move on with? She loved each of these frustrating, power-hungry men, though in a different way.

If only she’d stopped after her night with Daddy. She’d been so content and happy. Todd was everything she needed or could want to expect. Protection, freedom to explore. Rough and pleasing sex. It would have been an easy choice at that point.

But no, Master had to go and muddle to water. Corinne thought she would never forgive him for the damn cage incident. He’d given her a gift, though, two, actually. One had been a collar which marked her as his. The other was a rare chance to try pleasing all three of the men she loved at once. What she wouldn’t give to be back on her knees now, glorying in the evidence of their responses to her.

And then of course, Boss had to complicate matters even further, damn him. He proved a relationship wasn’t limited to physical pleasure. It didn’t matter if she was his partner or on the opposite playing field.

He engaged her body, mind and soul.

Alone in the cabin, Corinne wandered around from room to room. Her nose filled with each of their unique smells. How could she possibly pick just one? She ended up taking Boss’ pillow, Master’s blanket and settling in Daddy’s bed. She fell into a fitful sleep where her dreams were haunted by what she had to give up to gain happiness.

When she woke up and left the bedroom, there was no sight of any of the men, and Corinne was no closer to coming to a decision. Surely there was a loophole she could exploit. The crazy contract she signed came to mind and she wondered if she could get some inspiration by reading it again. Boss would have had a copy on hand, she decided, just in case this whole thing blew up in their faces. If the law showed up, he would want to prove Corinne was here of her own free will.

It took her a few minutes of riffling through his room, but she secured the document and sat down to read it carefully. A smile crossed her face as she reviewed each clause, seeing the whole thing through a different lens than she had initially. Her first reaction had been one of fear, but on the backside of this getaway, the only bad thing was deciding which man to peruse a more permanent relationship with.

Permanent? Another worry took hold. None of them had promised a long-term relationship. No timeline had been offered. Was she agonizing over making a choice only to have to give up that man in the future?

She tossed the contract back inside the briefcase Boss had stored it in. The force of her action sent it tumbling to the floor. Another stack of papers fell out. It looked like another contract. Glancing through the papers, she realized it was yet another contest forged by the three men. It set down rules, limitations and details of how the winner would be established. What was the trophy they were vying for this time? Flipping to the last pages, she was stunned.

She was the prize. Every second since she had signed the original contract passed through her mind, only this time she watched it through the eyes of someone being used to play another game. This was never about her. It was a competition, another chance for one of them to best the others.

It all made sense somehow. Why would three, powerful, successful men be attracted to her? She was dull and predictable, and they could have had any woman they wanted, together or apart. Yet they eagerly engineered getting her alone out here in the wilderness. They waited patiently for their turn to seduce her. She should have suspected this from the very beginning. What kind of men share a woman, allowing her to pass from one to another as if she were a toy? This wasn’t about introducing her to a new, exciting way of life. It was all just a damn game to one-up each other. What a fool she had been. An utter fool!

Damn, damn, damn.

“You played with the wrong girl this time, gentlemen.”

Once her decision was made, she packed up her things. Hell, she even took the time to gather the mens’ belongings and line them all up along the stairs leading up to the front of the camp. Jeffrey, Todd and Eric pulled up in the airboat, each looking anxious and ill at ease. Did they suspect she figured out the whole game?

Probably not. They didn’t even credit her with enough sense to realize she was being played. Corinne-girl, sweet, wholesome, easily lead astray. She’d allowed each of them to use her, never suspecting it was all a sick contest.
