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“I don’t know what you want me to say.”

He pressed a kiss to her temple as he held her against him. “Tell me how you’re feeling.”

“Nervous. Confused.”

Alexander wished Grace’s mother had never asked him that stupid question or that he had answered it differently somehow. He’d known what she was doing—they both had—but he was positive Caroline wouldn’t have anticipated Grace’s reaction. At most, Alexander had figured she’d be shocked or maybe even a little uneasy given they had known each other for such a short time. Originally, he’d planned on waiting another month or two before telling Grace he loved her. Then, when the time was right, he was going to ask her to marry him. Her mother’s question and his subsequent answer had thrown that plan out the window. Or the first part of it, at least.

He opened his mouth to ask her what she was confused about when she stepped out of his arms and met his gaze. “I think I’d like to be alone tonight.”

The urge to make her talk to him was strong, but he decided to give her some space. He wouldn’t let her push him away for long. “If that’s what you want.”

Grace let her shoulders drop as if a huge weight had been lifted. It was obvious she’d expected him to protest. “Thank you.”

He pushed himself away from the counter and closed the distance between them once more. Taking hold of her forearms, he placed a kiss on her forehead. “Call me if you need anything.”

She gave him a brief smile, which gave him hope. “I will.”

Reluctantly, he dropped his arms, retrieved his cane, and headed toward the door.

When he reached for the knob, her hand covered his, stopping him.

“I just need some time to think.”

Without giving it too much thought, Alexander turned to face her. He took hold of her face and kissed her.

They were both breathing hard when he let her go. The air around them was charged and heavy. He didn’t think it would take much to convince her to change her mind, to let him stay, but he knew that wasn’t what she needed. Sex wouldn’t fix whatever was going on in her head. If anything, it would only complicate it more.

He backed away. “Good night, Grace.”

“Good night.”

Before he could talk himself out of it, Alexander walked out the door.


Chapter 27

It was the Friday after Thanksgiving—Black Friday—the first official shopping day of the Christmas season. People were out trying to scoop up all the deals stores were advertising, and all those people needed to eat. Beth had anticipated they would be busy, but even Grace didn’t think she’d understood just how many people would come through their doors that day. From the time Tommy opened up there was a steady stream of people.

With all the running around, Grace didn’t have much time to think. She smiled and did her job making sure the customers had what they needed.

Her feet were killing her by the time the last customer walked out the door. She gingerly lowered herself into a chair at the back of the dining room. Seconds later, Tommy joined her, two glasses of water in his hands. He pushed one her way.

“Thanks,” she said, gratefully taking it and drinking until half the contents were gone.

Tommy sagged in his chair. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen that many people in my life.”

Beth pulled out a chair and sat down without finesse. She looked as tired as Grace felt. “I’ll have to crunch the numbers, but I’m willing to bet today was our best to date. I must have made five hundred sandwiches during the lunch rush.”

Tommy raised his glass before taking another long drink. “And just think, tomorrow we get to do it all again.”

“Maybe it won’t be as bad,” Grace said, sounding hopeful.

Beth shook her head. “Don’t bet on it. Tomorrow is small business Saturday. All the shops downtown will be open, trying to entice shoppers. Chances are good that we’ll be just as busy as we were today.”

Both Tommy and Grace groaned.

They all sat there for several more minutes, sipping their waters and enjoying doing absolutely nothing.

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