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He hummed and lifted her so she was straddling his lap. “I figured I’d need clothes for tomorrow.”

Grace averted her gaze and he wondered if this was what had been on her mind a few minutes ago. He wasn’t overly concerned with meeting her mother, but maybe she was having second thoughts about it. Meeting her family was a big step. “Do you not want me to go?”

Her eyes widened as she looked at him again. “No. I mean, yes, I still want you to go. If you want.” She paused. “I’m sorry. This isn’t coming out right.”

Alexander took her face in his hands and waited for her to gather her thoughts.

She closed her eyes and sighed. “I just don’t want you to feel you have to.”

He pressed his lips to hers with the gentlest of pressure, but it was enough to get her to open her eyes. “Grace, you’re important to me and if we’re going to continue our relationship, I’d like to get to know your family.”

“Even after all Gabby’s questions?”

“I had commanders barking orders at me for ten years. I think I can handle your sister.”

He’d meant to lighten the mood, but Grace wasn’t having it. “Just remember you said that.”

Deciding it was best to let it go for now, Alexander gave her another brief kiss before letting her go. “Why don’t you head on up to bed and I’ll be up in a few?”

Something changed in her eyes. She stood and shot him a look through lowered lashes that spoke volumes.

Almost instantly, with that one look, there was less room in his pants. When he’d suggested they turn in, he hadn’t been talking about sex, but now it was at the forefront of his mind. “Get undressed and wait for me.”

“Yes, Sir.” He caught sight of her grin as she turned to make her way upstairs. She was rather pleased with herself since she thought she was getting what she wanted.

Alexander took his time making his rounds downstairs, making sure every window and door was locked. With casualness he didn’t feel, he retrieved his bag from where he’d left it by the door and headed up the stairs. His heart rate rose with each step as his anticipation grew. He knew what he’d find when he walked into her bedroom, but even so the sight had his cock begging to be let out of its confines.

Strolling into the room, he set his overnight bag on the end of the bed, removed her collar, and placed his bag in the corner. He wasn’t going to need clothing tonight.

The entire time Grace remained in position, waiting. He palmed her collar in one hand and went to stand behind her. One of the advantages of his long drive from Kansas City was that he’d been off his leg for most of the day. Alexander didn’t need his cane, which meant that both his hands were free.

He rested the palm of his hand on her head, allowing both of them to take in the moment. Everything was quiet. It was just the two of them, completely at peace.

With a featherlight touch, he petted her hair, letting them both sink deeper into their roles. She released a noise from deep in her throat that sounded almost like a purr.

“Are you relaxed, gattina?”

“Yes, Sir.” The words came out on a sigh.

Alexander continued to pet her hair. “The jewelry store called me this morning to let me know your collar was ready. I picked it up this afternoon.”

She remained silent, but it seemed more as if she was in the moment rather than any sort of discontent.

He moved to stand in front of her. “Look at me.”

Grace tilted her head up, meeting his gaze. There was no hesitation in her eyes, no uncertainty.

“Will you accept my collar, Grace?”

“Yes, Sir.”

He held the necklace so she could see the charm on the back next to the clasp. On the underside of the heart it said La Sua Gattina—His Kitten. “Lift your hair for me.”

The love he felt for her filled him as he unclasped the necklace and secured it around her neck. Alexander gathered her hair in both his hands and she released her hold, giving over control. He tilted her head back, admiring his collar around her neck.

Of course it didn’t hurt that at this angle he had an amazing view of her breasts as well. He bent to kiss her while reaching down with one hand to toy with her nipple. The sound she made had him wanting to throw her onto the bed and lose himself in her warmth. It was only years of experience that allowed him to remain in control of his baser instincts.

That didn’t mean he wasn’t going to get what he wanted. Fucking her senseless had its advantages, but so did indulging.

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