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“The sex. Was it good?”

Her sister looked at Grace as if she’s lost her mind. Maybe she had. This wasn’t the type of thing Grace normally talked about. “That’s not the point. It shouldn’t have happened.”

“Maybe not. But it did.”

“I know.” Her sister lowered her head into her hands again. “What am I going to do?”

“What do you want to do?”


Her sister’s honest answer made Grace laugh. “I’m serious.”

“So am I. All I want to do is curl into a ball and hope no one finds me.”

Grace could see this conversation wasn’t going anywhere fast. It was warm out by November standards, but there was still a nip in the air. “Do you want to come inside?”

“Do you have anything harder than pop in your fridge?”

“I think I may have some wine.” She was pretty sure she still had an unopened bottle in the back of one of her cabinets.

Gabby pushed her hair away from her face. “Unless you have a whole vineyard in there, I don’t think it’s going to be enough.”

“Come on, it can’t be that bad.” Grace rubbed a hand up and down her sister’s back.

“Yeah, it can.”

Grace felt as if she was missing something. Sure, Gabby sleeping with her ex wasn’t ideal, but this seemed like overkill.

They sat there for a while, not speaking, the cool concrete they were sitting on slowly seeping through her jeans. Her sister seemed to be thinking about something and Grace didn’t want to interrupt her thought process.

Eventually, her sister sighed. “I think I’m falling for him again.”

Grace waited.

“He’s been so nice lately—wanting to spend time with Taylor, asking if I need help with anything.” Gabby glanced in Grace’s direction. “The last time he took off he broke my heart and left me trying to raise a newborn on my own.”

“I know.” Grace pulled her sister in for a hug.

After a few minutes, Gabby pulled back. “I should go. I need to pick Taylor up soon.”

“Do you need someone to watch her tonight?” Grace wasn’t sure how Alexander would feel about it, but her sister needed her. If it cost her a sore bottom, she’d take it.

“No. That’s all right. I’ve had all day to wallow. Besides, I don’t want to mess up your evening.”

Her sister stood, brushing the dirt off her jeans, so Grace did the same. “You wouldn’t.”

Gabby ignored her. She gave Grace a peck on the cheek and turned toward her car. “Thanks for listening.”

Her sister was halfway to her vehicle before Grace could respond. “Call me if you need me.”

“I will.” Her sister opened her car door and slid inside.

Grace stood at the base of her front steps and watched as Gabby drove away.

Once her sister was out of sight, Grace ascended the stairs, unlocked her door, and went inside. Gabby had always been more spontaneous than Grace. Which, all things considered, was a little ironic. As far as Grace knew, her sister wasn’t into kinky sex.

After hanging up her jacket and kicking off her shoes, Grace checked her watch. It was a little after four, which meant she had about an hour and a half before Alexander came to pick her up. More than enough time to shower and put in a load of laundry.

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