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Alexander threw his wet towel into the hamper and turned off the light before heading back into the bedroom where Grace was still sleeping. She was lying on her side, her arms tucked up under her chin. A light from outside streamed in through the windows, landing on her hair. It almost looked as if it had flecks of gold in it the way the light was hitting it.

His chest clenched with a surge of emotion. It was so powerful it nearly sucked the air out of his lungs. It was a combination of overwhelming love mixed with the weight of responsibility he felt to do right by her.

A sigh escaped her lips as she rolled over. The movement caused the sheet to pull away from her chest, leaving most of her upper body exposed. Although his libido wouldn’t balk at going another round, he knew she needed her sleep. They both did.

With that in mind, he slipped back into bed as gently as he could. Alexander closed his eyes and tried to relax back into sleep. He listened to Grace breathing beside him, the soft inhale and exhale relaxing him.

The feel of her fingers against his arm made him open his eyes. He looked over at her, but her eyes were still closed. She sucked in a breath and scooted a couple of inches closer to him. “You okay?” Her words were mumbled, barely audible.

He gathered her in his arms and turned them so her back was against his chest. “I’m fine. Go back to sleep.”

A sleepy grin appeared on her face. “Yes, Sir.”

Alexander smiled and placed a kiss on the back of her head before closing his eyes again.

It took a while, but he did eventually fall asleep again. Holding Grace had helped ward off the nightmares.

Her alarm went off at five thirty. Neither one of them seemed all that anxious to get up, but they both had work. He pulled her to him and gave her a lingering kiss. “Why don’t you grab a shower while I go downstairs and make the coffee?”

She stretched. “Okay.”

He waited until she was out of sight before he got out of bed. Last night his adrenaline had been pumping, so he hadn’t paid much attention to his leg. This morning he was paying for the neglect. It took him several minutes until he felt comfortable putting his full weight on it.

The sound of the shower turning on told Alexander he needed to get a move on. He’d brought his cane upstairs the night before and he reached for it without hesitation. Last night was amazing, but it had taken a toll on his body.

Alexander was pouring their coffee into mugs when Grace strolled into the kitchen. He handed her one before taking a seat at the kitchen table.

“Thanks.” She took a sip and set the mug down on the table. “We had some muffins left over yesterday.”

“Sounds good.” He wasn’t picky. At this point he probably would have eaten just about anything she put in front of him. They’d both burned off a lot of calories last night.

Grace brought a plate of five muffins to the table. “There’s cranberry, banana nut, and one blueberry, I think.”

They spent the next several minutes devouring the muffins. To be honest, he probably could have eaten all five himself.

As they were cleaning up, Alexander felt he needed to broach the subject of her collar again. Although he was fairly sure she did want to wear his collar, it was always better to address these things when hormones were not in play. This was a serious commitment for both of them.

He wrapped one arm around her waist and tugged her flush against him. Grace came willingly, circling her arms around his neck. She looked almost angelic as she smiled up at him.

“I thought we could go shopping tonight.”

The look on her face told him she hadn’t been expecting that.

Alexander pressed on. “I know some Doms like more traditional collars for their submissives, but I want something you can wear everyday as well.”

He felt her muscles tense, but she didn’t comment.

“Have you changed your mind?”

Grace stared back at him with wide eyes. “No.” She swallowed. “I just... Kurt picked out my collar himself. I figured...”

“I can pick something out on my own if you’d prefer, but I’d rather have your input.” He cupped her ass and pressed her pelvis against him in a suggestive way. “The final decision will be mine, of course.”

She smiled up at him. “Of course.”

He placed a kiss on her lips and released her. “I’m hoping to get out of work on time today. How about I pick you up at five thirty? We can get something to eat and then go look for your collar.”

Alexander’s day went much smoother than the previous one. The idiot lawyer was nowhere in sight.

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