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I’ll see you then. – Grace

Several more minutes went by and she wondered if maybe it was taking him so long to respond because he was in a meeting. That would make sense.

I’m very much looking forward to it. – Alexander

And Grace, make sure you eat well. You’ll be burning off a lot of energy tonight. – Alexander

Two sentences and her body temperature rose by at least ten degrees. She blew out a loud breath and glanced over at her bed—the bed she and Alexander had shared several times now. A smile pulled at her lips. She was sure the guilt would keep cropping up now and then, but she wasn’t going to try and pretend this wasn’t what she wanted anymore.

She sent him a quick text back before she headed out to meet Beth.

I’m looking forward to it, Sir. – Grace


Fucking lawyers. They were the thorn in his side these days. Why they didn’t get medical degrees of their own if they were going to try cases involving malpractice he didn’t understand. They certainly thought they knew better than everyone else, including those who actually had a medical degree.

He’d been stuck in that conference room for six hours. Six fucking hours, attempting to explain to that pompous jackass of a lawyer that the scenario he was proposing was not only absurd but downright impossible. But the idiot had been convinced he was right. Even Alexander’s boss agreed, but still the man persisted. In fact, after a while Alexander began to think the man dug in his heels because of Alexander’s boss backing him up. Janet might not be a doctor, but she’d been in this business for close to twenty years. She wasn’t stupid.

Alexander tried to shake it off. What he needed was something to get his mind off the idiot he’d left up on the fourth floor. What he needed was Grace.

After climbing into his car, he drove home. He had some time to kill since it was still early. When Grace had texted him to say she was having dinner with Beth, it had given him a moment to catch his breath and not strangle a certain lawyer. He was glad she and Beth were forming a deeper relationship. Grace didn’t have many friends. Any, that he knew of actually. Hopefully going to the club would change that. She could connect with other subs and not have to worry about them judging her.

After showering and changing out of his suit into something a bit more comfortable, Alexander swung through a drive-thru before making his way to Grace’s. He was a little early, but he had no problem waiting.

Grace pulled into her driveway around seven forty-five. The sun had already set, but the lights from the streetlamps bounced off her blond hair, drawing the eye of anyone who was watching.

She turned toward the noise when she heard him get out of the car. The look on her face morphed from concern to joy as she realized it was him. He would never get tired of seeing that look. It had been appearing more often the last few days. Alexander hoped that meant she was getting used to the idea of them being a couple. Based on the conversation they’d had the night before, he was hopeful.

“Have you been waiting long?” she asked as she came toward him.

He grabbed his overnight bag and his cane and locked up his vehicle. “Not too long.” In truth, he’d been there since a little after seven. It didn’t matter. He pulled her against him and gave her a swift kiss before they went inside. “How was dinner?”

“Nice.” She removed her coat and hung it in the closet before taking his and doing the same. “Did you know Beth grew up in Ohio?”

“Can’t say that I did.”

“She moved here to go to school—”

He crushed her against him and cut off her words with a bruising kiss. When they came up for air a few minutes later, her breathing was labored and her lips were swollen. “As much as I want to hear all about your evening, there are more pressing matters I want to attend to first.” Alexander took her hand and placed it over his erection.

She cupped him and rubbed her palm up and down, causing him to groan. It felt good, but it wasn’t exactly what he wanted.

Before all thought went out the window, he removed her hand. The cooler air hitting his groin brought back a little sanity. “I want you in your room, kneeling on the floor, waiting for me when I come upstairs.”

Her pupils dilated a little more. “Yes, Sir.”

Alexander dropped his hands, releasing her. He waited at the base of the stairs while she ascended and turned the corner toward her bedroom.

The time it took him to check the downstairs and make sure everything was locked up for the night gave him the opportunity to settle himself. After the day he’d had, what he needed more than anything was to let it all go and sink into the dynamic he and Grace had. The thought of seeing her gazing up at him with those expressive eyes of hers while she waited for his command had him hurrying up the stairs as fast as his bum leg would take him.

When he walked into her bedroom, he found Grace exactly as he’d requested. She was naked, kneeling by the end of her bed, her knees spread wide. Her breathing told him she was as excited as he was for what was to come. She was such a beautiful submissive, and she was his. The internal voice inside his head telling him he should feel guilty for the thoughts running through his head was almost nonexistent. He wanted Grace and she wanted him. They weren’t betraying anyone.

He closed the distance between them, using his cane to steady himself. It had been a long day. She kept her gaze on the ground as he approached, but that wasn’t what he wanted. He wanted to see her eyes, to see the emotion in them staring back at him.

Reaching out with his left hand, he threaded his fingers through her hair, letting the silky strands run through his fingers. Even such a simple gesture brought him some much needed peace. He heard her sigh and knew she felt it, too.

Alexander gathered her hair together and tilted her head back so she was looking up at him. There was complete trust in her eyes, and he decided to take a chance. He lifted his other hand, his cane dangling from his fingers, and rubbed his thumb and index finger along the line of her jaw. “I missed you today. I had a horribly long meeting and all I could think about was how much I would rather be here with you.” He paused. “Or anywhere with you.”

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