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“Barely.” Caroline stirred something on the stove and then removed two dishes from the oven. “Grab some extra napkins, and let’s eat.”

Dinner conversation mainly centered around the upcoming holiday. Taylor’s father had asked if he could have his daughter for Thanksgiving. “I told him I’d think about it, but I don’t know how I can say no. I mean he finally seems to be taking an interest and wants to spend time with his daughter.”

“What’s changed?” their mother asked, although the same question had been on the tip of Grace’s tongue.

“I have no idea. I just hope it lasts. I’d hate for Taylor to get attached and then he takes off again.”

Both Grace and Caroline nodded. It was a real concern. He’d been involved in the beginning, but shortly after Taylor was born he said he got a job out of state and took off for over a year. To his credit, he’d sent Gabby money every month to help with bills, but he’d never called or come to see Taylor. The only way her sister had known he was back in town was because of the postmark on the envelopes.

“I gots a new toy, Aunt Grace.”

“Did you?” All talk of Taylor’s father ceased and they gave their attention to the little girl.

“Uh-huh. Mommy says we have to eat first and then I can show you.”

Grace smiled. “I can’t wait.”

The toy ended up being a stuffed animal. Apparently the dog was from a cartoon. Grace stood there grinning and nodding her head as Taylor went on and on. It had been years since she’d watched a cartoon and this wasn’t one she’d ever heard of.

Gabby came into the room and made a beeline for her daughter. “Did you want Skye to take a nap with you?”

Taylor held on to the toy in a death grip and nodded.

Grace watched as the two disappeared down the hallway in the direction of the bedrooms.

“It’s too bad you and Kurt couldn’t have had any little ones.” Her mother went to the couch and sat down.

This wasn’t something Grace wanted to talk about. “Do you want anything to drink?”

Her mom shook her head and patted the spot next to her.

Reluctantly, Grace took a seat.

Caroline placed an arm around Grace’s shoulders and gave her a one-armed hug. “I know this is hard for you, but things will get better. You’ll find someone else. He may not be the same as Kurt was, but that’s okay. You deserve to be happy, sweetie.”

Moisture formed in Grace’s eyes, but she willed it away. She didn’t want to cry. She’d cried enough for a lifetime already.

But her mother’s words brought back the conversation she’d had with Alexander. “I’ve started seeing someone.”

Her mom sat up and turned to face her. “Really, Grace? That’s wonderful. Who is he?”

Gabby walked into the room and took a seat a few feet away, the smile on her face saying it all. “He’s a doctor. Right, Grace?”

“You knew about this?” their mother asked, the hurt in her voice evident. Grace could already feel the blush starting.

“I stopped by Friday night and she was all dressed up for a night on the town. He was taking her dancing.”

Caroline turned her attention back to Grace. “That sounds like fun.”

“Yeah.” Grace tried not to think about Friday night. It wasn’t the type of thing one wanted to relive when sitting in front of your mother.

“So tell us about him. What’s he like? Where did you meet him?”

Grace spent the next half hour answering questions about Alexander. When she told them he’d served with Kurt, her mother had admonished her for not inviting him to join them for dinner. And then her mother had floored her with her next suggestion. “You should invite him to Thanksgiving. If he’s new in town he probably doesn’t have any family here. It’s not right for him to spend it alone.”

She also heard what her mom didn’t say. Bringing him to Thanksgiving dinner would mean they’d get to meet him. Was she ready for that? “I’ll ask.”


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