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Her breath hitched as he began to move. But instead of coming toward her, he went in the opposite direction and placed his feet on the floor before easing himself into a standing position. She hadn’t missed how he’d favored his leg, making sure he was steady on his feet before turning to her and holding out his hand.

Grace blinked several times then took his offering and let him help her up. He led her into the bathroom, stopping right inside the door. “Do you need me to give you a minute?”

Grace was grateful he’d asked. She didn’t think she could go to the bathroom in front of him. “Yes, please.”

“Open the door when you’re done.” He stepped out of the room, pulling the door closed behind him.

She swiftly did her business, and after washing her hands, she gave her teeth a once-over with her toothbrush. A glance in the mirror told her that her hair was standing on end, but she let it go for now.

Alexander was waiting right outside the door when she cracked it open. He strolled inside and wrapped his arm around her waist, giving her a hard kiss. “I figure we both need a shower after last night.”

A blush stained her cheeks at the reminder. She’d had no shame last night, begging him to come in her mouth.

Without a word, Alexander turned on the shower and adjusted the temperature. Once he was satisfied, he helped her step into the tub and followed after her.

The water was warm, filling the room with steam. He took his time washing her hair for her before grabbing her body wash and working his way down her body, making sure every inch of her was clean. Nothing he did was overly sexual, but her body didn’t seem to get the message. By the time he turned her so she could rinse off, she was primed and ready.

He didn’t touch her, though. Not the way she wanted him to. He grabbed the body wash and went to work cleaning himself from head to toe. She was left standing there vibrating with pent-up sexual energy while he washed away the evidence of their night together.

Grace was caught a bit off guard when the water shut off. She’d been so focused on watching the movements of his body that she hadn’t realized he was done.

They both stepped out, drying their feet on the mat she kept on the floor.

“Towels in here?” he asked, tilting his head toward the linen closet.

She nodded, words seeming to leave her as she watched the muscles in his thighs flex as he moved. He really was in great shape considering he’d spent six months in a VA hospital recovering from his injuries.

He removed two large towels, placed one on the counter, and unfolded the other. She went to reach for the one he’d set on the counter, but before she could, he began drying her off with the towel in his hands. It was a caring gesture, but all it did was make her want him more. Since when had she become such a horny mess?

When he was done, he wrapped the towel around her torso.


He sent her a panty-dropping grin that had her clenching her thighs together again, and picked up the towel he’d laid on the counter. She thought about asking if she could dry him off as he’d done for her, but before she could, he was done. He secured the towel around his waist and they headed back to the bedroom.

“Would you like to go out to breakfast?” He gathered his clothes from where he’d discarded them on the floor. Considering he had nothing else with him, he was going to have to put his dirty clothes back on. She wished she had something else to offer him, but she didn’t think the few things she had left of Kurt’s world fit Alexander.

Much to her surprise, thinking about her husband didn’t have her feeling as if she were going to fall into some sort of abyss as it had in the past. Grace still missed him and she probably always would, but the prospect of going on without him wasn’t as scary as it had been. She was moving on exactly how he wanted her to.

She slipped on a pair of pink panties and some jeans. “I can cook.”

They ended up sitting at her kitchen table twenty minutes later eating bacon and eggs. It felt comfortable, natural, to have Alexander sitting there beside her, eating his breakfast. She liked having him here even though there were still those moments of guilt that would pop up. Grace kept having to remind herself that this was what Kurt wanted.

The thought had her pausing mid-bite. Had it been what Kurt wanted? Not the moving on part, but Alexander. Was it Kurt’s plan all along for Alexander to become her Dom? Was that why he’d asked Alexander to deliver the letter to her in person? Had he known about Alexander’s lifestyle? These were questions she would probably never know the answers to.

“Everything okay?” Alexander had noticed she’d stopped eating.

She tried to smile. “Yeah. Just thinking.”

He gave her his full attention. “Anything you want to talk about?”

While she knew she could tell him her thoughts, they were too fresh. Instead, she told him the other worry on her mind. “Gabby stopped by Friday night. She saw me all dressed up and wanted to know if I had a date. I told her you were taking me to a club.” Grace paused. “I didn’t tell her what club, of course.”

“Of course.” Alexander wiped his mouth and took hold of her hand. “And you don’t know what to tell her about us.”

Grace nodded.

He turned her hand over and pressed his lips to her open palm. It sent tingles up her arm in the most delicious way. “Would it be easier if you told her we were dating?”

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