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She felt her mouth fall open.

He pushed off the doorframe and turned to go. “Finish your bath and get some rest. I’ll text you in the morning and I expect you to text me back as soon as you’re able. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir.”

Alexander exited the bathroom, leaving her pondering what he’d said. Did that mean they were dating? Exclusive? She had no idea, and to be honest, she didn’t know how she felt about it. Not that she was planning on going out and dating anyone else, but dating implied there was an emotional element to their relationship.

Grace could hear him moving around downstairs, making sure her doors and windows were locked. The sound of the front door opening and then closing had her sliding down lower into her bath. Did Alexander want their arrangement to be more? It certainly sounded like that. The question became could she give him that if it was in fact what he wanted?

She didn’t know the answer and that frightened her even more than the thought of going to Serpent’s Kiss again, this time as Alexander’s submissive.

The water began to cool, so Grace got out and reached for a towel. She’d do her best—try to be the best sub she could be for him. Hopefully, that was enough.


Alexander sent Grace a text before he left for work asking if she’d slept well last night. He knew she was most likely busy at the café, but he expected her to get back to him before lunch. They’d texted back and forth during the day before and it never took her more than an hour or so to get back to him. He hoped what had happened last night between them didn’t change that.

To his surprise, his phone dinged as he was getting into his car.

Yes. – Grace

There was a pause.

I hit the snooze three times this morning. – Grace

He chuckled. Grace wasn’t exactly a morning person, but she was used to her schedule and she enjoyed her job. They’d talked about how she always had to hit snooze once in the mornings before she could drag herself out of bed. Three times meant she really hadn’t wanted to get up.

I’m glad you got some rest. – Alexander

Have a good day at work. I’ll pick you up at 6. – Alexander

When she didn’t respond right away, he went ahead and drove to work. Halfway there he heard her message come in. Unfortunately, he had to wait until he arrived at work to check it.

Okay. I’ll be ready. – Grace

His day went by quickly. There’d been a mountain of new folders on his desk that required his attention and at lunch he’d had to run to the post office. The state licensing board had sent him another form they needed to be filled out and sent in. He wanted the process of getting his license to practice in Missouri completed as soon as possible. That meant staying on top of whatever the licensing board required. He sure as hell didn’t want to be sitting at a desk for the rest of his days going over malpractice suits.

Jewel asked if he wanted to join her and some others for drinks again. He felt bad that he had to keep turning her down, but there was no way he was giving up the evening with Grace. He also didn’t think she’d feel comfortable tagging along with him while he hung out with his coworkers. The new terms of their relationship alone had her leery.

He hadn’t missed the look on her face when he’d told her there would be no one else as long as he was with her. She’d lost a little color in her face and her jaw had dropped. Alexander had thought he’d been clear before about exactly what he expected, but apparently he’d not been clear enough. He didn’t want to scare her, but she needed to know he wasn’t going to be playing, or dating, anyone else as long as they were together.

Thinking about seeing Grace again had him whistling on his way to his vehicle. He got a few strange looks, but he didn’t care. In less than an hour he’d see Grace again and tonight he planned on pushing her boundaries a little more.

As promised, Grace was ready and waiting when he showed up at her house. She had her hair pulled back and a little makeup on. The makeup was new. And while she looked nice, he preferred her natural beauty.

“Shall we?” he said, offering her his arm.

She locked the door and hooked her arm through his.

It didn’t take long to get to the restaurant. They’d been there before and had both enjoyed the food. That was good since he was starving. He’d skipped lunch in favor of going to the post office.

“Good evening. Two?” the hostess asked.

Alexander nodded. “Yes, and a booth please, if you have it.”

She grinned and picked up two menus. “Right this way.”

The booth was along the wall in the center of the room. Not as private as he’d like, but he could work with it.

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