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Embarrassment at how well her sister knew her had heat rising in her cheeks. “I had to put a load in the washer before I left. It took longer than I expected.” She didn’t mention that the reason it took her so long was because she’d been distracted.

Gabby wrenched open the door and shook her head. “What am I going to do with you?”

It wasn’t as if her sister hadn’t made her thoughts on the subject crystal clear. If Gabby had her way, Grace would be spending her nights being ravished by Alexander.

She opened her mouth to tell her sister she just wasn’t ready, like she had in the past, but the words died in her throat. A thought began to form, one she really needed to think through and not when her sister and mother were close by, so she put on the best smile she could manage and headed inside. Her sister followed, not appearing to be bothered at all by Grace’s lack of acknowledgement.

“There you are,” her mother said the moment they crossed the threshold into the kitchen. “I was beginning to think we’d have to send out a search party.”

Grace crossed the room and gave her mom a hug, making sure to sidestep the spoon in her hand. “Sorry I’m late.”

“Why don’t you grab some glasses from the sink and take them to the table? Everything’s almost ready,” Caroline said.

While Grace gathered the glasses, her sister began carrying food to the table.

“Taylor with her dad this weekend?” Grace asked when she didn’t see her niece.

“Yeah.” Gabby twisted to the side, getting out of the way of the hot plate their mother was carrying. “Jax called Friday night. His folks came down for the weekend and wanted to spend some time with her.” She shrugged. “I couldn’t say no.”

Grace filled their glasses with the iced tea their mom had made, and then sat down. “I’m sure they appreciate it.”

“I have no doubt she’ll come home with at least a half dozen new toys.”

“Less you have to buy,” their mother pointed out. “Besides, it’s a grandparent’s right to spoil their grandchildren.”

Both Grace and Gabby rolled their eyes. Most of the toys Taylor owned had come from Caroline.

After that the conversation turned to Caroline’s impending retirement. She’d found the paperwork she needed. All that was left was for the date that was circled on her calendar to get there.

“Any idea what you’re going to do with all your new free time?” Gabby asked.

“I was thinking of doing some volunteering.”

The conversation took off from there with Gabby and her mother sharing different ideas on where Caroline could volunteer. Grace was only half listening. Every now and then she’d contribute to the conversation, but for the most part, she sat quietly and let Gabby and her mom talk. Grace had too many other things on her mind. Besides, the last thing she wanted was for her sister to bring up Alexander in front of their mother. As far as Grace knew, Caroline didn’t know about him, and at the moment Grace wasn’t up to answering questions.

After spending most of the afternoon with her mom and sister, Grace drove home. She glanced at the clock when she walked into the kitchen. It was still early. Plenty of time to follow through with what had been rattling around in her mind the entire time she was at her mom’s.

But could she do it? Should she?

Grace chewed on the end of her thumb as she stared at her purse like it held some sort of great wisdom. It didn’t, of course. This was a decision she had to make for herself.

“What should I do?” she asked the empty room.

As she stood there, Grace realized she really did want an answer and the person she wanted the answer from was Alexander. She was in a place where she didn’t know which way to turn.

More than anything, the way she was feeling in that moment, the desire for his guidance, was what compelled her to move her feet. She found her cell and scrolled until she saw his name pop up on her screen.

Seconds ticked by as Grace waited for him to pick up.


“Hi. I was wondering—” She swallowed. “I was wondering if you’d like to come over for dinner tonight.”

There was a long pause. “What time?”

Her mind went blank for a second. “Seven?”

“I’ll see you at seven, then.”

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