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“You, too, Sir,” Grace said, wanting to be polite and respectful. Still, it felt strange. She hadn’t called anyone sir besides Kurt for years.

Katrina ignored any awkwardness. “Justin will answer any questions you have. If you’d like him to introduce you to some of our members, he can. If you’d rather strictly observe, that’s fine, too. It’s entirely up to you.”

“Thank you, Mistress Katrina.”

Katrina grinned and glanced over her shoulder. “If you’ll excuse me, there are some things that need my attention. Come find me if you need anything.”

Justin wasted no time once they were alone. “The club will get quite busy in an hour or so. Would you prefer to be on a leash or are you good staying at my side without one?”

The look on his face was one she knew well. He appeared indifferent, but he was fully expecting an answer to his question.

“I think I’m good without the leash,” Grace said. “I’ll stay by your side, Sir.”

He nodded. “Very well, then. Let’s get you something to drink.”

Grace didn’t object. In fact, she realized she was quite parched. She’d been too full of nerves before to notice.

Moments after approaching the bar, the bartender was there in front of them. “What can I get you two this evening?”

Justin turned to her. “What would you like?”

While alcohol sounded really good right about now, she didn’t really know Justin or Katrina or any of them. She needed to keep her wits about her tonight. “Water, please.”

“Just two waters for now, Brandon.”

Brandon opened a small refrigerator behind the counter, retrieved two bottles of water, and placed them both on the bar in front of Justin. “Here you go.”

Justin picked them up and handed one to her. It was kind of crazy, but something as simple as that eased some of her tension.

“Brandon, this is Grace. Grace, Brandon. He tends the bar most nights, but occasionally Katrina lets him have an evening off.”

Brandon shook his head as he wiped the counter in front of him, removing two water rings from the bottles he’d set down. She hadn’t even noticed. “Welcome, Grace.”

“Thank you.” She was tempted to add sir to the end, but she had no idea if Brandon was a Dom or a sub. Sometimes it was hard to tell.

“Did Katrina explain to you how the bar works?” Justin asked.

“Yes.” It was one of the first things Katrina had told her during their tour.

Brandon tossed the towel behind him and turned his attention back to them. “Justin showing you around tonight?”

“Yes.” Grace swallowed. She was still thirsty and yet she hadn’t taken a drink of her water.

Justin must have realized because he looked down at her water and then at her. “There’s no limit on water, or soft drinks.”

Without a word, she twisted the cap off her water and took a sip. The cool liquid coated her throat. When she glanced over at Justin, he had a smirk on his face. She wished she understood how Doms knew stuff like that.

“You’re lucky you have Justin here showing you around tonight. He’ll make sure you’re taken care of. It can be a little overwhelming for newbies,” Brandon said.

Grace looked around the room. In the time they’d been at the bar at least ten more people had entered. She could only imagine what it would be like in another hour or so.

One of those new people stepped up to the bar, needing a drink, and Brandon excused himself to help them.

Justin turned to her. “Let’s take a walk upstairs before things get crazy.”

He didn’t wait for her to agree, but she followed anyway.

When she’d been upstairs with Katrina the place had been empty, of course. As soon as they reached the top of the stairs, it was clear that was no longer the case. The sound of someone moaning was impossible to ignore. A man stood, arms crossed, in front of a large window. She remembered it from her tour. He was staring into one of the playrooms. The same room the moaning was coming from.

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