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He decided to keep things more casual this time around, so he chose a barbecue restaurant he’d heard a few people talking about. When they pulled up in front he noticed her eyes light up. “I take it you’ve been here before?”

“Pappy’s? Of course. They have the best barbecue in town.”

Alexander chuckled as he turned off the engine. “That’s what I’ve been told.”

The restaurant was busy when they made their way inside. He had to move to one side more than once to allow someone to pass. It was a good sign. Between the amount of people there on a Tuesday night and Grace’s endorsement, he was hoping the food would be good. It had been years since he’d had good barbecue.

A petite woman stood behind the register. She smiled as they approached. The time they’d had to wait in line had given him the opportunity to decide what he wanted.

After placing their order, they went to find a seat. He spotted an empty booth along the far wall and pointed it out to Grace. She followed his line of sight and maneuvered her way across the room. Alexander followed close behind.

“Has the place changed much since the last time you were here?” he asked when he noticed her looking around.

She grinned and shook her head. “Not at all.”

He smiled back.

Their food arrived and he had to admit it was good. Really good.

“I’ll definitely be back,” Alexander said as he finished the full rack of ribs he’d ordered. “That was amazing.”

“Everything here is so good.”

“Maybe we can make this a weekly stop.” He’d said it as a joke, but she didn’t laugh. “What’s wrong?”

She picked up her fork, not looking at him. “Nothing.”


He saw her swallow. “It’s just something my sister said, that’s all.”

“What did your sister say?”

Grace pressed her lips together and met his gaze. “She said I shouldn’t be going out to dinner with you because you’re going to get the wrong idea.”

“I see.”

Shifting in her seat, Grace set her fork down. “I don’t—” She sighed. “I don’t think I’m ready to... date yet.”

“Is that what we’re doing?” he asked, not taking his gaze off her.

“I don’t know. Is it?”

He chose his words carefully. “I’m new in town and I don’t know many people I would like to spend an evening out with, and I enjoy your company.”

She was quiet for a long minute. “Okay.”

They finished up and headed back to his vehicle. There was still some unease floating in the air around them and he knew he needed to defuse it. He didn’t want Grace to feel awkward about going out to dinner with him. Although, he didn’t quite understand his desire to hang out with her either. Maybe it was only because she was a connection to Kurt. Maybe it was because he felt an obligation to look after her, having seen her reaction to reading her husband’s letter. “Do you know anywhere around here we could get some ice cream?”

Grace clicked her seat belt in place before looking in his direction. “There used to be a place down by the Arch.”

He pulled out into traffic and made his way across town, the Arch already poking out through the buildings. She sat beside him, looking out the window, not saying anything. For some reason he still felt as if something was bothering her. Alexander had no idea if it was her fear that she was misleading him or something else.

“Kurt told me you were from St. Louis. Did you grow up here?”

It took her a few moments to answer. “My parents moved here when I was three. Dad got a job offer he couldn’t pass up.” She paused. “The ice cream shop is right there.”

Alexander nodded and parked behind a black SUV. As he climbed out he recognized a few of the nearby buildings. He’d driven down this way when he was looking for Serpent’s Kiss.

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