Page 102 of Longing for His Kiss

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Kim laughed. “Maybe.”

“There’s no maybe about it,” Ali said. “I know you.”

Katrina made her way over to them. “How are you ladies this evening?”

“Good, Mistress,” Grace and Ali said in unison.

Kim’s response showed how new to the lifestyle she really was. “Good.” Then she seemed to realize her mistake and added, “Mistress.”

Katrina didn’t seem fazed by the slip. Subs had the choice, or their Doms did, of whether or not to attach an honorific to a Dominant’s name at the club. The only exception to this was Mistress Katrina. She was the club mistress and every sub used her title without exception. It wasn’t written in the rules or anything, but it was what was accepted and expected. “All ready for tonight, Grace?”

“Yes, Mistress Katrina.” Grace glanced once more in Alexander’s direction. This time he appeared to be examining the table itself. “Master is making sure everything is the way he wants it.”

She followed Grace’s gaze and grinned. “I should probably make sure he has everything he needs.”

Katrina excused herself, leaving the three alone again.

“Have you been in the lifestyle long?” Grace asked Kim, curiosity getting the better of her.

“Um. Well...” Kim shifted her weight several times, hemming and hawing as if she were unsure how to answer. “I’ve only done it once.”

Grace’s eyes widened. She’d only had kinky sex once and she’d joined a kink club? Wow. That was... wow. Grace couldn’t imagine. Maybe Kim really was a Domme.

While Grace was still trying to figure out how to respond, Kim’s attention shifted to something across the room. Grace looked to see what had caught her eye. Justin, the Dom who’d shown her around that first night—the one Alexander had made her come in front of—was striding toward the bar. He wasn’t looking their way. As far as Grace could tell, he hadn’t noticed them yet.

The look on Kim’s face appeared to be more than casual interest. “Do you know Sir Justin?”

Ali was the one who spoke up. “He’s her brother’s best friend. They’ve known each other for years. Right, Kim?”

It took Kim longer than it should to answer. “Yeah. We’ve um... we’ve known each other since high school.”

As if he knew they were talking about him, his gaze landed on the three of them. Only a second passed before shock crossed his face followed by what appeared to be extreme displeasure. Given there was no reason for him to be upset or even surprised by Grace or Ali’s presence at the club, she could only assume that his reaction was for Kim. He clearly wasn’t happy she was at Serpent’s Kiss.

“I... I need to use the bathroom,” Kim muttered before making a beeline for the locker rooms.

“What was that all about?” Grace asked.

Ali shook her head, looking in the direction her friend had gone. “I have no idea. Maybe she’s afraid he’ll tell her brother.”

Maybe. But that wasn’t the vibe she was getting.

Unfortunately, she wasn’t able examine it any further. Alexander came up beside her and placed a hand on her lower back. “Ali.”

“Good evening, Sir.”

He looked down at Grace. “Meet me on the platform in fifteen minutes. I’m going to get us some waters.”

“Yes, Master.”

Ali fanned herself as Alexander walked away. “You are so lucky.”

Grace couldn’t disagree. “I know.”

Not wanting to linger, she told Ali she’d catch her later and headed to the restroom. She had no idea how long their scene would last and it was better to be prepared.

She walked into the bathroom, finding an empty stall. At first, she thought she heard a humming sound, as if someone was singing. But then she realized it wasn’t singing. It was talking. And considering the low volume, whoever it was had to be talking to themselves.

Grace finished up and exited the stall. Once she’d washed her hands, she waited, but no one came out. She debated whether or not she should go and get someone, but what would she tell them? That she thought someone was mumbling to themselves in the bathroom?

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