Page 14 of Worthy of Fate

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“Why would the Gods do that?”

“Because of the pact with the Spirits, they can’t kill a fae. So they found a way around that.” She landed a blow directly to my chest, nearly knocking the wind out of me.

Malina’s eyes narrowed. “How is that a way around it? They’re still killing them.” She didn’t let up.

“The dishonorable are driven mad with horror and eventually take their own lives. Either way, they die. So let’s hope I don’t fail.” Tears threatened to fall down my face but I willed them away. I would not cry. And I would not fail. Malina’s own eyes mirrored mine, and I could see the muscle in her jaw clench.

“So what are you going to do?”

“I don’t know,” I said, exasperated.

She tackled me then, slamming me to the ground and pinning my throat under her forearm.

“What are you going to do!” She screamed in my face with a fury few saw and lived to tell.

I reversed our positions and pulled a knife from my boot, putting the tip of the blade under her chin. She smiled, regardless of me ‘cheating’ during the spar. This was what she wanted. She wanted me to break the rules and do whatever was necessary.

“I am going to survive.”

Chapter Seven


Eamon was in his bedchamber on the upper residential levels of Morah. The High Scholar had an entire floor to himself, while the other Scholars who resided in the library had bedchambers similar to my own. From the dark disheveled hair on top of his pale head and the hands rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he must have been asleep when I knocked. But even in his sleepy state, he immediately noticed my mark, still glowing, though more faint than before. With a sad smile, he escorted me to his sitting room. He listened intently as I recalled the events of the night, taking in every word.

“Kya, I know I don’t need to remind you that it’s imperative for you to stay here until you have to leave for the Trial. Once the Nations’ rulers find out the Trial has been initiated, they will be even more desperate to eliminate any threat to them. At least until you are all within the grounds of the Temple of Odes,” Eamon said.

“I know. Mal will gather supplies for me. I’ll remain on the upper floors until my departure.” I pulled my sleeve down, covering my mark.

Eamon eyed the motion. “You don’t need to hide your mark here. I’ll inform the Scholars that no one is to enter for the next few days.”

“No, it’s fine. Some of the topographers are having an assembly to update the cartography from the erosion of the coastline. They’ve been looking forward to it for months. I don’t want to take that from them.” I smiled, thinking of the enthusiasm.

He chuckled. “They have been anticipating this for a while. They’re quite excited. But I’m sure they would be more than willing to postpone for your sake. Let me know if you change your mind.”

I gave a subtle nod. I knew they would, but it would break their little scholarly hearts to do so. I could easily remain hidden so it wasn’t much of an inconvenience to me.

Eamon smiled but didn’t reach his eyes. These were likely our last days together. One scenario resulted in me having the ability to return here after the Trial. But then, it was likely my identity would be known. I couldn’t be a Roav anymore.

“I don’t want to go.” My voice was barely a whisper as I bowed my head, holding back tears trying to escape. I just wanted everything to remain as it was. I was happy there.

“What is it that you fear? You’ve trained your body and your mind far beyond anyone’s expectations. You’re stronger than you think. Trust yourself that you can do this.” I looked up at him, this male that has already given me so much and continued to do so. “I trust that you can. And I trust that you will be chosen.”

My eyebrows creased. “You want me to be chosen? To be Worthy? I would have to leave here. I would have to leaveyou.” His smile spread, this time reaching his eyes.

“It is your fate, Kya, to obtain spiritual enhancement and powers beyond what you can comprehend right now.”

“But what’s the purpose? Those that are Worthy are meant to defend and protect their lands and use that power to help itthrive and prosper. Yet they are defenseless against the Glaev that would destroy it all. No one can stop it, Worthy or not.” Tears began to streak down my cheeks as guilt and sorrow overwhelmed me. I quickly wiped them away, irritated that I couldn’t hold them in.

Eamon cocked his head to the side. “Do you think that is the purpose of being Worthy? From all your years of research, I would have thought that you knew the true meaning by now.”

I shrunk inwardly at that and scoffed. “What else could it possibly be? Everything I’ve read about, and every story I’ve heard explained it pretty well. The Worthy are measured against the current Lord or Lady of that Gods’ Nation, whoever is more powerful takes over, and then they are burdened with the duty of protecting the lands of their Nation.”

He grinned. “Come with me.”

By the time we entered his study on the lower levels, the rising sun had illuminated the large space in morning light through the tinted glass. I closed the door behind me as Eamon walked over to one of the floor-to-ceiling bookcases along the inner walls and searched the titles of the tomes.

“Do you remember when you came here, to Ilrek? You were so young, I would be surprised if you did.” My guardian said while he continued his search, not looking at me as he spoke.
