Page 67 of Silver Fox's Baby

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I tug my jacket around my body a little tighter as we make our way to Fran’s car parked in my driveway. It’s a nice black sedan, and while not excessively luxurious, it is still leaps and bounds better than my ride.

I slide into the passenger seat, and pull the seatbelt across my lap, clicking it into place.

I’mreallyexcited to show off my dress at the gala, specifically to Dr. Banks. I know it’s silly, but I feel like I’m sixteen again. And it’s nice.

“You know, I’m seeing someone now,” Fran begins as she backs out of the driveway. “He’s supposed to be there tonight.”

“Oh?” I raise a brow at her. “Who is it?”

“He’s a TA for Dr. Muldrow.” Her cheeks flush with a crimson that makes me giggle.

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah. His name is Will.” She sighs. “And he’s so sweet and charming, but... I don’t know if we’re exclusive or not. I’m scared to ask him.”


“Yeah, you know, like not seeing anyone else. It’s so fucking complicated to date these days, and I hate it.”

“Yeah. Have you slept together?”

She bursts into laughter. “Of course, we have. That’s just like, the normal thing to do. We’ve slept together multiple times.”

“So then, why wouldn’t you be exclusive?”

She makes a face at me. “Oh, my god, Mel. Come on. You’re not fifteen. You know how shitty the dating world is. Exclusivity and sleeping together donotgo hand in hand. If anything, it feels like most men just want to sleep around with tons of women. Not that it’s necessarilywrong.It’s just...” She sighs. “I’m ready to be exclusive with someone.”

I nod, but my chest tightens.

Are Aiden and I exclusive?

The thought of him doing whatwedo with someone else makes me feel nauseous. I don’t like it at all.

“You okay?”

I force a smile. “Yeah, of course. I’m fine. I was just... I was just thinking.”


“Dating someone and thinking you’re exclusive but then realizing that you’re not.” The words come out in an awkward rush, and Fran frowns.

“That’s very specific, and so I have to ask, considering you’ve been glowing and what not. Are you seeing someone, Mel? I’d like to think you’d tell me...”

I swallow hard, and I’m pretty sure my hesitation answers her question.

“Oh. My. God.Finally!” Her face lights up. “Who is it? Have you slept together yet? Ofcourse,you have.”

She is smiling and stealing glances my way as she drives. “I knew it!”

“Yeah...” My voice trails off.

As much as it’s nice for someone to know, I don’t know about telling her thewhoto her question. I don’t know what she’d think about it.

“So? Who is it? Do I know him?”

I shake my head but then stop. “Well, um... Actually... You have to promise...”

Her eyes grow nearly as wide as her grin. “Holy shit. It’s Dr. Banks, isn’t it?”
