Page 26 of Silver Fox's Baby

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Where the hell is she?

My eyes are on the clock.

Five, four, three, two, one.

It’s time for class, and Ms. Everett is nowhere to be found.

I’ve been so used to having her here both classes, that not seeing her is odd. I frown.

What is so important that she had to skip class? Did she overslept due to the exhaustion she has been showing lately? Can something have happened to Dorian? He had been sick last time, right? Did he get worse?

Could this have something to do with the last class? The way she looked at me. My hand on her shoulder?

I have to admit I’m disappointed. She’s doing well on her homework, and her failing grade’s coming up, albeit slowly. However, I can’t help her if she starts missing classes.

But then again, maybe she’s just late.

As time goes by, it’s clear that Ms. Everett isnotcoming today. That’s her loss. And her grade.

The woman is intelligent, but maybe she had me fooled for a bit. Maybe she lacks the ability to follow through, which is not all that uncommon these days.

I wrap up my classes and call it a day.

I slip out of the lecture hall, and this time, my mind isn’t so frazzled. I’m not suctioned into the lust that I was a couple of days ago.

Maybe it’s best that she isn’t here after all.

I grimace at the thought, though.

I don’twantany student to fail—and it’s not her fault that my body can’t seem to let go of her feminine curves and fiery red hair. That’s myproblem.

My eyes flicker downward to my hand, resting on the doorknob. It brings back the memory of what happened last time.

Not again.

But my cock stirs, reminding me just how much I enjoyed the fantasy of her beneath me.

I’m able to push it away, however, stepping into my office and taking a seat at my desk. I’m going to have to prepare for the historical society’s gala, or at least figure out what the hell it even is. After all, that’s as good of a distraction as any.

For the next half hour, I go through the details Dr. Lewis sent me.

Dear lord, it looks like a glorified prom. It’s the last place I want to be at.

My phone vibrates on the desk beside me, and I pick it up, expecting to see Connor’s name on the screen. Instead, my stomach knots up.

Great. Just what I need now

“Hello, Madeline.”

“Hi. I was just calling to ask if it would be alright if I picked up Connie boy today.”

I hate that nickname, always have. “That’s fine, but I’ll have to call the school to let him know.”

“Why? I’m his mother. I have as much right to pick him up as you do.”

“Yes, but the school has the pick-up schedule, and today is my day,” I say flatly. “Besides, I want them to let Connor know.”

“I want to surprise him.” The whine in her voice makes me cringe. She is too old for that. “I thought it might be fun. Plus, I need to get him fitted for his tux. The wedding is coming up soon, you know? We found the perfect place for the party, too.”
