Page 12 of Silver Fox's Baby

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My cheeks grow warm at the comment, and Dr. Banks shakes his head.

“I know you don’t know that, buddy, but that’s inappropriate on all levels. So, tell your new friend goodbye. I’m ready to get out of this car.”

Wow, ungrateful much?

“Thank you for the ride, Mel.” Connor pushes open the back door. “It was fun—even though we just wasted a bunch of your time.”

“It’s fine.” I smile. “I don’t ever mind helping someone out.”

“Here.” Dr. Banks pulls out a twenty and sets it on the console. “For your time. And like Connor said, thanks for the ride.”

“Um, you don’t have to pay me.” I frown, picking up the bill. I try to give it back to him.

“Yeah, no. You keep it.” He shakes his head at me. “Maybe put it toward a new car fund.” With that, he steps back and slams the car door.

New car fund? I’m not the one with a broken-down car.

“Connor is cool,” Dorian comments.


Too bad his dad isnot.

However, before I can back out, Dr. Banks is back, knocking on my driver’s side window.

Startled, I roll it down, cringing at the squeal it makes.

“You can stay after class for the next two weeks. You’ll have to sit through my second lecture, but you’ll hear the material twice, and then I’ll be available for questions afterward. That should help you improve your grade and turn-in rate.”

I’m shocked but still manage to nod. “That would be perfect. That should give me just enough time to get to my shift right after.”

“Good.” He taps the roof of the car and then turns around and heads back toward the restaurant.

Thank goodness.

It’s not exactly extra credit, but it’s bound to help—and I can use all the help I can get.



“That’s it for today, class.” I lean against the podium at the front of the lecture hall. “Don’t forget to study for the exam in two weeks. Everything you need to know for it is in the reading material. You’re dismissed.”

A couple of students groan, and I chuckle.

I know the reading material is a lot, but the test covers the basics, and I never test them on anything they haven’t learned either in the reading material or in class, unlike some of my colleagues like to do.

My eyes flicker to Ms. Everett who chose a closer seat today. She’s only two rows back, albeit in the far-right section. Her fiery red hair is pulled up in a messy bun, which is the going fashion of most of the college girls. However, there’s something that makes her appear more...

Sophisticated, maybe?

What is it about this woman, that makes me notice her?

“I see you’re staying.” My voice is low as the last student slips out of the room. Thankfully, no one decided to stay back and ask me any questions today.

“Yes...” Ms. Everett looks up at me, her emerald eyes growing haughty. “Is that okay? I thought you said...”

“It’s fine.” I chuckle. “The offer still stands.”
