Page 5 of Deke Me

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I won’t let anybody derail my goals.

“Just don’t let Mrs. Thompson catch you slacking off,” I add.

Movement outside the glass door draws our attention. Blake’s eyes widen, and he ducks behind a row of Cessna U Wildcats jerseys hanging from a nearby rack. A chuckle escapes at the sight of his tall frame trying to hide among the merchandise.

“Are you seriously hiding right now?” I ask, smirking.

“Shh.” The sound is more of a hiss as he peeks from behind the jerseys—his team jersey, no less. “You’ll give me away.”

“Give you away?” I question, curious about what could’ve spooked him so much.

“Juliette Heyday.” A slight tremor races through his body as he rushes the words. “If she sees me, there’s no escape.”

“Ah, the notorious stalker from Saturday.” I nod in understanding. “All right, I won’t blow your cover.”

“Thanks, Amanda.” His shoulders relax as he practically sighs my name.

Mrs. Thompson picks that moment to peek out of her office. Blake notices her presence and starts rifling through the jerseys. I suppress a smile and turn my attention to my boss. But as I ask if there is anything I can do about the payment delay, I feel Blake’s intense gaze on me. A tingling in the pit of my stomach takes hold as I glance back at him, our eyes locking. Something in his blue eyes hints at a deeper connection between us, something I can’t pinpoint. But that’s ludicrous. He wouldn’t be interested in me. I am nothing like the girls who chase him.

I quickly push the thought aside, reminding myself I have more pressing matters to deal with—like Grandma’s overdue rent.

“Mrs. Thompson,” I say, trying to regain my focus. “Is there anything I can do to speed up the paycheck?”

She shakes her head apologetically. “I’m sorry, Amanda. It’s out of my hands.”

“Okay, guess I’ll have to wait.” Frustration bubbles within me, but it’s not Mrs. Thompson’s fault. She ducks in her office right as the door swings open. Over Blake’s shoulder, I see Juliette enter the bookstore, her eyes scanning the room like a predator searching for prey. She hasn’t spotted Blake yet, though it’s only a matter of time. Even crouched behind the clothes rack, he’s too tall to hide.

My gaze follows Juliette as she weaves through the empty aisles, determination etched on her face. She’s like a bloodhound, nostrils flaring, and I know it won’t be long before she catches Blake’s scent.

“Blake,” I hiss under my breath. “She’s here.”

“Shit,” he curses, straightening up from his hiding spot. He glances around, looking for an escape, but there’s nowhere to go. Grabbing a jersey, he steels himself and walks toward me.

“Guess I’m buying this.” He lays his numbered jersey on the counter.

“Blake!” Juliette’s eyes light up, and she practically pounces on him, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

“Uh, yeah, I’ve just been really busy with practice and stuff,” he replies, gently disentangling himself from her grasp. He somehow manages to hand me his Amex black card.

“Too busy for me?” she pouts, her fingers trailing down his chest suggestively.

Goodness. Is this what he deals with on a daily basis? Girls touching him without consent. How is that okay?

“Actually, yes.” Blake glances back at me, desperation in his eyes, and then makes a bold move. “You see, Amanda and I are dating now.”

“Excuse me?” I splutter, caught off guard by his sudden proclamation.

“Dating?” Juliette scoffs, eyeing me up and down as if I’m a disgusting bug. “Her?”

“Yep, that’s right.” Blake dashes behind the counter, grabs my hand, and pulls me close. The heat of his body against mine sends an unwelcome surge of excitement through me. I struggle to maintain my composure.

“Since when?” she demands, her voice dripping with disdain.

“Uh, since Saturday,” he lies smoothly, his thumb stroking circles on my back.

“Really?” Juliette narrows her eyes, clearly skeptical of our supposed relationship.

“Really,” I choke out, clinging to Blake’s arm as if it’s my lifeline. His warm, firm muscles seem to ground me, and I sink into the role, surprising even myself.
