Page 79 of Nine Month Contract

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Trista’s cheeks flush as she keeps her hands on the table, grippingthe bottle of water she brought. “No, I haven’t. The doctor said my placenta was on the top or something, so that can sometimes make it harder to feel movement until the baby gets bigger.”

She finds my eyes and looks a little nervous, so I nod my head at her, silently telling her it’s okay.

“Kate had that same thing with Tucker,” Miles says with a nod to Trista, and her eyes light up, clearly grateful for someone else at this table to have some experience with that.

“We did not experience that with the twins,” Sam says with a laugh. “It was like a jungle gym in Maggie’s belly.”

“Aw,” Everly says, splaying her hand out on the table. “I hope I can feel the baby kick before I go.”

“Everly,” I chastise, my brows furrowing as I shake my head at her. “That’s not appropriate.”

“It’s not?” Everly looks horrified and snaps her attention to Trista. “I’m so sorry. I felt my stepmom Cozy’s tummy all the time when she was pregnant with Ethan. I didn’t know it’d be weird.”

“It’s fine,” Trista says and shoots me a scathing look like I came down on Everly too hard.

I’m just trying to protect her. This table is full of people with traditional families and traditional situations. Sure, maybe some of them got pregnant before marriage, but none of them got pregnant with someone they weren’t in love with. And certainly none of them got pregnant with someone they were paying to have their baby. This group and my family can be a fucking lot. If you give them an inch, they will take ten miles. Everly doesn’t need to be feeling Trista’s stomach. Plus, if anyone is going to get to feel the baby move, it better be me.

“Are you going to find out the sex, Uncle Wyatt?” Everly asks, her blue eyes wide and animated like a Disney princess.

I lift my shoulders and grunt.

Everyone stares at me in dead silence, but it’s Trista who answers, “That’s a yes.”

All eyes swerve from me back to Trista, and I have to admit, even I’m a little shocked she knows my answer. I haven’t said the words out loud yet. I tilt my head and eye her curiously.

“You speak Wyatt?” Calder asks, gaping at her.

Trista laughs and leans back in her chair. “Oh yeah…I’m fluent in grunts, growls, and heavy sighs. So yes, totally fluent in Wyatt.”

Luke’s grave eyes hit me. “She has much knowledge.”

This causes the whole table to burst out laughing, and Everly’s eyes fill with tears that she gets every time something really excites her. It’s a sight that makes me really happy, and it’s at that moment that I realize I’m smiling like a loon. Things with Trista are going remarkably well…even with the addition of sex. Who would have thought?

Everly breaks up the laughter with an excited gasp. “Uncle Wyatt, can we do a gender reveal party when you find out? It can be a gender reveal and a baby shower. Oh my God, it will be so much fun. I’ll do everything. You don’t have to lift a finger.”

I groan and shake my head. Gender reveal parties are so fucking extra. Plus, those kinds of parties are always more for women than men. Why would I want to sign up to make a spectacle of the gender of the baby I’m having with a woman I’m not even married to?

“It can be the last time we can all get together before I go.” Everly begs and sticks her lip out. “Pretty please?”

“Fine,” I grumble, hating myself for being so fucking weak.

She cheers, and I watch Trista force a smile that doesn’t reach her eyes. So much for protecting her because there is no way in hell Everly won’t demand Trista be there.

“Are we done talking about diapers now?” Calder whines, sounding like our nephew, Ethan. “I came here to play some cards and try to win back some of the money Everly has won off me basically her whole life.”

“I learn from the best.” She smirks proudly at me, and I watch Trista’s eyes warm on Everly for a moment before we get back to our game.

“Damn, you have all the luck!” Dean says, tossing his cards down on the table as Trista shows pocket aces. “Seriously, you’ve had pocket aces twice tonight. Are you sure you’re not hiding cards?”

“I am many things, but definitely not a cheater.” Trista eyes Deanharshly as she leans across the table and drags the chips toward her ample bosom.

My eyes flash around to make sure no one is checking her out like I am. Luckily, everyone passes the test with flying colors, so I don’t have to punch them in the face.

Whiskey was a bad choice tonight.

I’ve only had three, but they’ve only served to add fuel to the fire that is my desire for the lucky girl over there.

Trista stands up from the table. “I need to refill my water. Can I get anyone anything?”
