Page 61 of Nine Month Contract

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I lean up close to whisper my reply into his ear, “You better watchyour tone with me, Wyatt, because last I checked, me telling you stuff wasn’t a part of our contract. It was a gift I gave you as a friend. This is my body, and no one will tell me who I can talk to about it. Got it?”

Wyatt’s expression morphs from anger to horror in the blink of an eye. He steps back as if mortified by what he’s just said. “Will you please just eat? I know you haven’t eaten in a while.”

“How do you know that?”

“Because you were in the barn with me earlier and didn’t touch the snacks.”

I frown at that comment. “Well, I wasn’t hungry, and they’re not my snacks, so why would I touch them?”

He looks at me like he knows I’m lying. Which is true. I wanted to grab one of those granola bars on the counter in the barn, but Wyatt was standing right there watching me, so I couldn’t.

Finally, I shove him out of my way and fix a plate because dammit, I am hungry. Wyatt watches, and I frown over at him. “Aren’t you going to eat?”

He shakes his head. “What do you want to drink? I’ll go get it.”

“I can get my own drink.”

He closes his eyes for a moment, clearly frustrated. The veins in his neck are bulging, and his hands flex at his sides like he doesn’t know what to do with himself.

“I’ll have a cranberry juice,” I say with a heavy sigh, taking pity on the poor guy. He’s being a dick, but I know he hates himself for it, and that sort of neurotic behavior makes me feel kind of bad for him in a strange, dysfunctional sort of way.

I find a high-top table by the pool away from the crowd and am just about to murder a bacon-wrapped shrimp when a tall blonde comes bounding over to me.

“How’s it going on Fletcher Mountain?” Everly asks, propping her elbow on the table and watching me with wide puppy dog eyes.

“Oh, it’s going,” I mumble around a bite and quickly dab at my lips with a napkin, careful not to wipe off all the lipstick I carefully put on tonight. “Although your uncle is definitely treading that fine line between sweet and psycho.”

“Oh no, what did he do?” Everly groans and turns her full attention to me.

“His mood swings are insane. We’re trying to be friends through this whole thing, and he’s not making it easy.”

Everly chews her lower lip nervously. “Well, in fairness, I don’t think my uncle is used to having female friends.”

“It shows,” I huff out indignantly.

“But he’s a great brother and an exceptional uncle, so just be patient with him. He’s really a sweetie pie when you get to know him. He loves to take care of people.”

I can’t help but soften as I watch him stand in line at the bar to get my drink for me. There is a sweetness to Wyatt buried under that gruff exterior of his, and I will do my best to find it before this baby is born.

I nudge Everly with my elbow. “You’re really cool for a kid, you know that?”

“Well, I am eighteen, so I’m technically an adult.” She beams proudly.

“When do you leave for Ireland?” I ask before biting into another succulent shrimp.

“End of August.” She inhales deeply and runs her fingers through her hair. “Just a couple more months. I’m so nervous and so jacked at the same time. I hope I’ll be able to come back when the baby is born, though! Can we maybe video chat occasionally so I can see your belly growing?”

My brows lift at that thought. “That’s weird, but sure. Why the hell not?” She smiles happily, and I add, “Oh, did you hear there’s a mini horse in the barn as well now?”

“What?” Everly practically screams, and all the guests around us turn to gawk.

I laugh and nod. “His name is Handsome. You should come up and see him before you leave. He’s a hoot.”

“Um…obviously!” Everly takes a deep breath to adjust to the news. “How did you get Uncle Wyatt to let that happen?”

I shrug and pop another shrimp into my mouth. “I just asked him.”

Everly’s brows furrow at that. “I’ve asked him for more animalson that farm ever since I was little, and he wouldn’t even consider it! He always said Millie was a lone wolf like him.”
