Page 58 of Nine Month Contract

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The hug lasts longer than is appropriate, and when we break apart, the flush in Trista’s cheeks and the pulsing in my jeans are unmistakable. Her tongue flicks out to wet her lips as she stands on her tiptoes and presses a soft kiss to my cheek, lingering there for a moment. Her delicate hand cups my cheek as her warm breath pushes heat straight to my core.

It’s a damn good thing her hand is holding me in place because the urge I have to turn my head and make contact with her soft lips is at an all-time high.

Seemingly out of breath, she pulls back and stares at me for a brief indescribable moment before running off to rejoin Avery the fucking vet, who is, in fact, a dude.Who Trista didnotdeny was part of her bullpen.

At that moment, I realize that I am completely consumed by lucky number thirteen, and I have no idea how I will survive the next several months with her and, even worse, the months afterward without her.



Iroll the window down from the back seat of Wyatt’s brother’s truck, enjoying the summer breeze as we make our way down the mountain to Everly’s graduation party. The family apparently all attended the ceremony a few weeks ago, and today is the reception at Everly’s dad’s house, which should be very interesting.

All of Wyatt’s friends and extended family will likely be there, so I should be fretting over what I’m going to say if someone asks who I am. But the only thing on my mind is what kind of food they’ll be serving because dammit, I’m ravenous these days. Wyatt has a stash of snacks in the barn that I keep eating, hoping he doesn’t notice, but I’m sure he’s noticing. He’s just too polite to say anything. He’s been too polite to say much to me this past week. Grumpy is always kind of his vibe, but ever since Handsome moved into the barn, he’s been downright testy. He snapped at me the other day when I was carrying a bucket of water into Reginald’s pen. He said he hooked up a hose so I wouldn’t have to lift buckets, and he’d appreciate it if I took care of myself better.

Fine, I’ll use the freaking hose, psycho.

At first, I thought it was Handsome he was extra sour about because I pretty much manipulated him into letting him stay, but theother day, I saw him giving the mini horse some carrots from his coat pocket, so I don’t think that’s the issue here.

The truck is quiet as I look from Calder in the driver’s seat to Wyatt in the passenger seat and Luke in the back next to me. They’re all staring out their prospective windows, acting like it’s normal for me to hang out with them when we’ve barely exchanged three words since I moved up here. I think it’s high time I get to know my neighbors, grumpy Wyatt be damned.

“What do you guys do for fun?” I singsong in an obvious way as I try to break the ice.

Calder’s eyes find mine in the rearview mirror, but he says nothing, nervously glancing at Wyatt and then back to the road. I turn to Luke, who shifts his body away from me, focusing really hard on the great outdoors.Strange.

Maybe they have weird hobbies and don’t want to divulge what they get up to in their free time. Judy at the Merc did kind of make me wonder about them.

I’ll try something a little easier.

“It’s crazy how much cooler it is up in the mountains than it is in the city,” I offer, thinking the weather is always a safe topic. “How hot will it get on Fletcher Mountain when summer peaks?”

Other than a heavy sigh from Wyatt, I’m again greeted with silence. What’s the deal with these guys? Did they run out of Brawny paper towels? Do they need to kidnap some future brides and take them up to the mountain to get laid? You could cut the tension in here with a knife.

“I like your shirt, Luke,” I offer, staring at the red-and-black checked print. “It’s very…lumberjacky.”

Luke makes an odd noise in his throat as he turns and finally makes eye contact with me. “He told us not to talk to you.”

“What?” My brows furrow in confusion, and I move to Wyatt, who looks positively raged. “Wyatt said you can’t talk to me?”

“I think his exact words were ‘Talk to her, and you die.’” Calder imitates Wyatt’s deep monotone perfectly, and my mouth drops open in shock when Calder adds, “Murder Wyatt is scary.”

Wyatt slides a flat look at his brother in the driver’s seat that clearly saysyou’re lucky you’re driving, or you’d be dead right now.

“Wyatt, did you really threaten their lives?” I ask, sliding to the edge of my seat to see his face better.

He ignores me, and that will not friggin’ do. “Alright, one of you better start talking, or I’m going to start singing, and trust me, no one wants to hear that.”

With a deep grumble, Wyatt turns around to eye me seriously. “You don’t know them like I do. They don’t get out much. They’ve lived on the mountain too long and don’t know how to communicate without offending people. They’re construction guys, and it shows. Frankly, they’re fucking animals, and they should live out in the barn with Millie and Reggie.”

“Don’t forget aboutHandsome.” Luke hitches his voice high and covers his mouth when a girlish giggle billows out of him.

The car swerves, and I fall back as Wyatt reaches back to punch Luke on the thigh.

“Fuck!” Luke howls, gripping his denim-clad leg as he slides farther away from his brother so he can’t get another swing in.

Calder’s shoulders shake with silent laughter, and then he cowers under Wyatt’s murderous glance. “I didn’t mock the mini horse!” he exclaims defensively. “I think heisrather handsome, gross tongue and all. The bunny, on the other hand—”

“How did you find out about the rabbit?” Wyatt looks at him accusingly, his eyes twitching with rage. “Have you been in the apartment?”
