Page 37 of Nine Month Contract

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I shake my head as my goat and the pig continue walking the fence line together like they’ve known each other for years, not two weeks. “They like to walk together a lot. It’s the damnedest thing.”

Everly’s face lights up with amusement. “The cutest thing, you mean. Millie finally has a friend.”

I harrumph, not nearly as impressed by the sight as Everly.

“Is there any exciting news you want to tell me about, Uncle Wyatt?” Everly elbows me, waggling her brows excitedly.

“No,” I grunt out awkwardly. It’s really fucking weird to talk about knocking up my surrogate with my eighteen-year-old niece. Then again, she found Trista for me, so I guess we’ve probably already far surpassed normal.

Her lip juts out in disappointment. “Bummer.”

“These things take time,” I state with a shrug, feeling like a fucking creeper for being somewhat grateful that it didn’t work the firsttime because month two of trying to knock her up is fixing to be a lot more interesting than month one.Bring on sundown.

“Are they ignoring you again?” Trista cuts in, and I turn around to see her walking out of the barn toward us.

My heart hammers in my chest at the sight of her. She wears a pair of Carhartt coveralls with dried paint spattered all over them and her hair in its standard topknot. She looks fucking good.

“Trista!” Everly shrieks and runs over to greet the woman who just offered to have sex with me five days ago.

“Hey, crazy kid,” Trista replies, returning Everly’s overly eager hug. “Nice to see you again.”

“You too,” she replies with a smirk, wrapping her arm around Trista’s as she drags her toward me. “How do you like living in the barn?”

“Um…I low-key love it,” Trista says unabashedly, flashing me a warm smile and a wink that goes right to my cock. “You weren’t lying that the views are spectacular.”

“I told you!” Everly beams proudly. “Uncle Wyatt does good work.”

My eyes connect with Trista’s, and we hold each other’s gaze for a moment. I haven’t seen her since our chat in the barn the other day, and something about her seems…different. Her presence always inflicts a feeling of restlessness in me, but seeing her now, it’s like every cell in my body is being electrified.

And it doesn’t take a genius to know why.

Trista put sex on the table. And in the blink of an eye, I went from likely never seeing her naked to possibly fucking her very soon. I’m too old to be this excited by the prospect of sex, but lucky number thirteen isn’t just some chick I picked up at a bar. To think I might be able to take her in my bed, with her arms held above her head and her legs spread wide, dripping wet and ready for my—

“Reginald is so adorable,” Everly says, snapping me out of my dirty thoughts. “He’s even cuter than the pictures you texted me.”

Trista nods. “And he loves the barn life. Who woulda thought?”

“I would have,” I grumble softly. They both stare at me with accusing eyes, and I shrug. “He’s a pig. Pigs belong in barns, not apartments.”

Trista rolls her eyes. “He only likes it because he has Millie. Do you see how they stroll together? I swear it’s like they’re out there dishing on all the hot gossip.”

“I always begged Uncle Wyatt to get more animals out here, but he told me no.”

“I didn’t know he was capable of telling you no,” Trista says with a laugh. “I got the impression you have your uncles all wrapped around your finger.”

“Oh, I totally do.” Everly laughs. “Speaking of uncles, how’s it going with them? Are they driving you crazy? They can be a lot sometimes.”

“I weirdly haven’t seen much of them,” Trista answers with a shrug. “I suppose between the commute to work and the extra hours I put in with my vet friend, I haven’t had a chance to really hang out with the whole family.”

“Count yourself lucky,” I murmur under my breath.

Everly elbows me, and then I notice her smile drop as Millie and Reginald approach us. “What is Millie chewing on?”

“Oh my God,” Trista exclaims and moves to jump over the fence.

“What is it?” I ask, terrified that Millie could have gotten into something. I’ve had to rush her to the vet one other time when she ripped open a bag of feed and overate. Her stomach was bloated, and the vet had to literally fucking stab her behind the ribs to release the air buildup. It was one of the most terrifying days of my life.

I open the gate and drop down on my knees to pull out the shit in her mouth. “Give it here, girl. What did you get into?”
