Page 116 of Nine Month Contract

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But I have to find my identity beyond my family. It’s time.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Trista holding her belly and pull away from my uncle to point accusingly at her. “Weekly belly pics. I mean it.”

“Yes, ma’am.” She salutes and steps up beside Wyatt, whose hand instantly threads into hers just like it did yesterday when they walked out of the barn. “I’ll send you pictures of the animals too. And all the new ones that come to live on Fletcher Mountain while you’re away.”

My eyes flash to my scowling uncle. “More animals?”

Wyatt turns his scowl to the pregnant woman beside him, but his eyes are soft and crinkly around the edges, revealing his true feelings. He looked at her like that all day yesterday while everyone’s heads basically imploded with shock.

Except for mine.

I saw this coming a mile away.

I beamed with pride as I watched my uncle dote on Trista during the rest of the baby shower. His eyes and hands rarely left her, and while I could tell she was overwhelmed by the people and the nosy questions, she seemed happy too. There was a twinkle in her eye that I didn’t see when I first met her. They’re both totally in love, and it’s all because of me. Winning!

And while I don’t know what their future holds, I feel relieved that they’re trying because there are a million ways to make a family. I’m a great example of that. I have three moms, three uncles, and a dad who I consider my primary caregivers. Who cares if they started this whole journey as a surrogate and a single guy? They’re ending it happy, and that’s all most of us want out of life.

Trista leans her head on Wyatt’s arm as I glance down at her belly. “Is she kicking yet?”

Trista presses her hands to her stomach and shakes her head sadly. All day at the shower, I kept trying to feel the baby move, and every time I’d put my hand there, she’d stop. I felt Ethan move in Cozy’s belly all the time, and I really wanted to feel one little kick before I left. Especially because I won’t be back before this baby is born.

Trista tsks, “Sorry, kid. She must be taking a nap in there.”

“A Fletcher girl needs her beauty sleep.” I feel the tears return as I glance back at Wyatt. “You’re having a little girl.”

Wyatt’s hand moves to touch Trista’s belly as he presses a kiss into her hair. They look so content, like they’ve been together for weeks, not just a day. At least I got to see this before I flew across an ocean.

I say goodbye to my grandma and my little brother, who’s teary as well. Uncle Calder flings Ethan onto his shoulders to help cheer him up, and I give everyone a big wave before I head into the airport with my dad and Cozy, who are flying out with me to get me settled.

As we make our way to the baggage check, Trista calls out behind me. “Everly, wait!”

I turn on my heel to see her jog over to me as my parents watch us curiously. Trista grabs my hand and presses it to her belly, and instantly, I feel a light drumming on the palm of my hand. My eyes widen as a huge smile spreads across my face. “Aw, that’s my girl!”

“A parting gift.” Trista laughs, and I can’t help but notice her eyes filling with tears. She sniffs and waves her hand in front of her face. “It’s not lost on me that I wouldn’t be here without you, kid.”

My own eyes fill with tears at her saying that. A chance meeting on a Denver street corner and a door in the face, and now…she’s making a family with my uncle. Life is wild, and I can’t help but feel my grandpa’s presence wrapping me up in his own hug at this very moment. I know he had a hand in all of this too.

Trista moves in to give me a hug, and I croak into her shoulder, “I still can’t believe my plan actually worked.”

“What plan?” Trista pulls away and eyes me curiously.

“You and my uncle.” I glance past her at Wyatt, who’s waiting at the door for her, watching us with so much love and affection I feel ready to burst.


I waggle my brows at my soon-to-be auntie. “I knew you two would hit it off. It’s why I asked you to interview for the job.”

“You didn’t know.” Trista scoffs and gives me a playful shove.

I shrug and begin to walk backward away from her confused expression.

“How could you have possibly known?” she asks, still puzzling over this bomb I just dropped.

I shoot her a coy wink. “I told you I was a mastermind.”


