Page 10 of Nine Month Contract

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She exhales heavily, and I take a moment to note her appearance a bit more. She’s dressed in a pair of wide-leg jeans, and her top is a fitted sleeveless gray tank that shows off her full arms. They aren’t flabby, but they aren’t slender either. And every time she moves her arm, you can see a definition of muscle peek out. Either she loves lifting weights or does manual labor for a living. And considering she’s in a pair of well-worn cowboy boots, I imagine she works hard for her money.

Honestly, she’s beautiful. Powerful yet still feminine. I’d never call her obese, though. Yes, her hips, rear, and stomach might not be that perfect hourglass figure that all the magazines immortalize, but anyone with eyes has to see this woman is stunning.

A force of nature.

She stops glowering up at the building to lower her soft green eyes to me. “Like I said…assholes.”

I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face.

Spirited demeanor that could withstand the asshole-ish ways of my uncle…big fat check!

“Sorry, but I haven’t weighed in onederland since high school, and that was because I was depressed, so this entire afternoon has been very triggering. Ask me how pregnancy and depression work together…I’m guessing not good. The fact that they have the audacity to point at me like I’m a giant plus-sized flaw is ludicrous. I’ve worked hard to appreciate my body. This is me at my healthiest, and no one will tell me otherwise.”

“I’m on your side,” I state firmly, feeling equal parts terrified of this woman and moved by her. “I think you’re perfect.”

“Thank you,” she says distractedly and then shifts her focus to me again. “Sorry, did you need a hospital? I totally forgot about the door bashing you in the face.”

“No…I’m fine.” I gingerly touch my nose and wave her off. “I don’t think I’m bleeding internally anymore.”

She tilts her head curiously at me. “What are you doing outsidethat door anyway?” She glances at the paper in my hand. “Are you applying to be a surrogate too? My God, you’re young. They have an age limit too, you know, so I hope you weren’t banking on this opportunity. Dare not be too young, too old, or too chubby, or they will boot you out the door before you can even get up the elevator. It’s like a weird mean girls club up there. It’s gross.”

“Yeah, I mean…no…I’m not trying to be a surrogate,” I reply quickly, nerves swirling in my belly. “Just…passing by.”

She nods and smiles politely. “Well, good. You sure you’re okay?”

“Yep!” I reply brightly and flash her a smile as proof.

“Great.” She winks at me, and it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. “Now that we’re sure your nose isn’t bleeding internally, I’ll be on my way. Take it easy, girl.”

She begins to walk away, and I watch her for a moment, feeling a gust of wind sweep up around me, practically pushing me in the direction she’s going. I’m not really a spiritual person, but ever since my grandpa passed, I swear he’s been guiding me in my life. Maybe he’s trying to tell me something with that glass-plated door to the face, and I’m about to let that something walk away from me.

So…I shout what’s in my heart. What I feel deep in my bones is destiny and spreadsheets and my pushy grandpa all aligning with my soul. “How do you feel about having my uncle’s baby?”



The hairs on the back of my neck rise as the young girl’s words call out to me. The smart thing to do would be to pretend I didn’t hear her. She is a stranger, after all, and this is by far one of the weirdest things I’ve ever had someone ask me…and I’ve been in some weird situations.

But intuition niggles, so I turn on my heel and eye the girl while glancing around cautiously. I slowly make my way back to the adorable blonde, who was a pretty good sport to listen to my tirade moments earlier. That wasn’t my best first impression with a human, but I had to get those things off my chest, or I was going to explode. Life has been handing me a shitload of lemons lately, and no matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to find a way to make some freaking juice.

When I reach the girl, I tuck my chin down and hush my voice. “Are you okay? Do you need help? Blink twice if you do.”

The girl’s brows pinch together. “What?”

“Shhhh.” I pull her into a hug so I can whisper directly into her ear. Her body is as stiff as a board in my embrace, furthering my suspicions. “If you’ve been abducted and someone is forcing you to do this, just give me a tight squeeze. You don’t have to say anything.”

“What are you talking about?” She yanks away and looks at melike I’m crazy. Her face is screwed up in confusion as she asks, “Do you think I’ve been human trafficked?”

I look side to side. “Um…pretty much.”

“I haven’t,” she exclaims, pushing the loose strands of blond hair out of her face. “I drove myself here from Boulder, where I live with my parents, to check out this agency for my uncle.”

She gestures up to the high-rise, and I cock my head at her. “For your uncle?”

“Yes, I want a baby for my uncle.” She repeats her phrase like it’s the most normal thing in the world.This is not normal.

My stomach churns as reality sets in. “Sweetie, it is not okay for your uncle to want your baby. That’s some backwoods mountain hillbilly shit—”
