Page 12 of Bulls and Their Boy

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Damon and I saw our similarities with the games we played early on. We liked it rough, and I’m not talking a seat on the ass. We liked to do things to a man that were right on the edge of every single boundary he knew about, and most that he had no idea he had.

So, taking Roland into the forest and ravaging his body was actually pretty tame, though right then, I’m sure Roland didn’t think that. He probably thought we were teetering on insane, but he wasn’t backing down from it.

I reached into Roland’s open fly, wrapping my fingers around his thin, long dick. It was nice, would feel good in an ass, if I was into that. I decided to tease him a little while Damon ripped off his shirt, the buttons flying.

“Littering?” I laughed as I stroked him. “You’re going to pick those up when we’re finished with you.”

“Pick them up? He…”

Damon growled, “I didn’t do anything. Yet.”

Damon moved him from the boulder and held him up by the ragged opening of his shirt.

I groped his ass while moving my other hand around to his dick again and whispering into his ear in my best, rough voice, “I’m guessing you’re verse, and you don’t mind sticking this dick in an ass, am I right?”

“Y-yeah,” he stammered before slamming his eyes shut.

Damon chuckled again, telling me, “He’s no verse. He’s a pretty bottom baby.”

I thought the same, but all of those guys with the Priuses and horn-rimmed glasses claimed to be verse. “Yeah, and he’s gonna bottom today.”

As Roland whimpered, Damon moved him to the only spot that had some grass, always thinking of our boys. He let him down easily, but that would be the last easy thing Roland experienced that day, I was sure of it.

After both of us got on our knees, we proceeded to rip and pull his clothes from him, tossing him this way and that to get him free of every single piece, and none of it was done gently. Roland’s eyes rolled back in his head, his lip was bitten so hard he nearly drew blood, but he was into it, his dick never backing off his tight little belly.

I moved right over his head before taking my dick from my pants and once it was in my hand, I saw Roland’s eyes widen again, seeing what was going to be fucking him.

I am a big guy, and my body well proportioned, if a little beefier than maybe I’d like. I liked to eat, though, and that included my favorite meal, pasta. I worked off any fat, making myself hard and thick, but I didn’t have to do a thing to my dick that had come big and just grew with me.

I wasn’t cut, like Damon, so when I stroked myself, I felt that skin sliding over my staff, sending the rest of me signals that I was about to have a really good day. I let the line of precum dangle over his face, letting him see it as Damon unceremoniously spread those long, lean legs and move between them.

“I’m first, then you can have my very sloppy seconds.”

“I love sloppy seconds,” I grunted as I watched Roland’s eyes slam shut as lubed fingers were pushed into his ass.

He tried to close his legs, subconsciously fending off the intrusion, and I couldn’t have that. I moved over to him, dragging one of his legs over to the side and ordering him to keep it that way.

“Nah, fuck this,” Damon said. “If we’re fucking him like animals, animals don’t do missionary.”

We made Roland get on his hands and knees, and I held him there while Damon proceeded to start eating his ass, and he was making quite the show of it. He dug in with his tongue, then he’d bite the cheek of Roland’s mostly flat ass and shake his head while the flesh was between his teeth, like a dog that was breaking the squirrel he’d just caught.

Roland was into it, and that actually surprised me. Though, it shouldn’t. So many nerd types would come into the clubs, and they were usually the kinkiest fuckers there. Most spent their lives behind computer screens, sedate, professional, then they’d let loose, and when they did it was epic.

Damon was squeezing the guy’s balls viciously, eating his ass like it was his last meal, and I figured, why the hell was I still watching? I moved around to the front of Roland and slapped his face with my dick, causing him to crane his neck as he stared up in surprise.

Surprise? The guy was being manhandled like a cold brew after a long day laying a roof, and he was surprised he got a dick slapping his face. Oh, this was going to be fun…

I grabbed onto my dick to point it at his mouth. “Suck.”

He opened like a baby bird, and I shoved my cock into his throat, gagging him, and damn if I didn’t love to gag a man with my cock.

I started fucking into his throat and felt the saliva rushing out from the corner of his lips, watching Damon take such care to eat that ass fully. His beard was glistening with his own spit when he pulled back to let his fingers have a field day.

I had no doubt that Roland would be nice and loose when Damon was ready to stab him.

Damon’s smile my way was lecherous, full of evil joy, as he started to get the condom from his back pocket. “Burke, baby, this is a nice treat for us, huh?”

“Damn right,” I agreed as I grabbed the back of Roland’s head to fuck into his mouth even harder. “Get that dick out and shove it into him so I can watch.”

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