Page 23 of Wed to the Gargoyle

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I looked into her eyes, seeing the love and determination shining within them. I would support her, no matter what.

“I will not let you down,” I vowed, my voice thick with emotion. “I will protect you and our child with my life.”

The elders exchanged skeptical glances. But they saw the unwavering resolve in my eyes.

“Very well,” the eldest elder nodded curtly. “We shall allow Evie to undergo the trials. If she can prove her worth, we will accept her as one of our own.”

I nodded, my heart pounding with both anticipation and trepidation. The trials would be difficult, but Evie was strong. She would prove herself to the elders.

“Thank you,” Evie whispered, her breath warm against my cheek.

I smiled down at her, my heart filled with love and pride.

But as I turned to leave the council chamber, the eldest elder’s voice stopped me.

“Kuzar, understand this is your last chance. If Evie fails the trials, or if she can’t produce strong offspring, this will end your union.” His voice roared with warning.

Anger flared within me. How dare they try to dictate my life? How dare they threaten to tear me away from the woman I loved?

“I will not end my union with Evie,” I said, my voice cold and hard. “She is my mate, and I will not abandon her.”

The elders gasped, their faces contorted in shock and outrage. They never heard such defiance from one of their own.

“You dare to defy the elder council? You dare to put your own desires above the needs of the clan?” The elder glared at me.

I met his gaze, my eyes unwavering. “Yes,” I said. “I defy you. I will not sacrifice my happiness for the sake of tradition.”

With that, I turned and stormed out of the chamber, Evie’s hand still clasped in mine. We walked in silence for a long time, the weight of the elders’ words hanging heavy in the air.

Finally, Evie broke the silence. “Kuzar, are you sure about this? Are you willing to risk everything for me?”

I stopped walking and turned to face her. I took her hands in mine and looked into her eyes. “Evie,” I said, “I love you. And I will let nothing come between us. Not even the elders.”

Evie smiled, her eyes sparkling with tears. She leaned forward and kissed me, her lips soft and warm against mine. As we kissed, a surge of love and protectiveness washed over me. I would do anything to protect this woman, the woman who showed me what it meant to be truly alive.

Our hands clasped together as we walked. We were no longer afraid because we had each other, and that was all that mattered.



The nights were always longer in the cavern. The darkness rolling in like thick tar, snuffing out the flickering flames of our cave fire one by one. I lay alone on my bed of soft moss and fur, my eyes wide open, thoughts swirling like bats against the cave walls. Tomorrow was my 23rd birthday, a fact I’d mentioned in passing to Veda one day, never thinking much of it. But the words escaped my lips and landed on her ears, evidently taking root and blossoming into something unexpected.

In the days leading up to this milestone, I’d noticed a conspiratorial glimmer in Veda’s eyes, a secretive smile playing on her lips whenever our gazes met. Kuzar also seemed unusually preoccupied, disappearing for long hours and returning with a mysterious air about him. Their whispered exchanges and stolen glances only fueled my curiosity, making me both excited and apprehensive about what they had in store for me.

I feigned ignorance, acting oblivious to their plotting, my heart pounding with anticipation. As the hours ticked by, sleep eluded me. The cave hummed with unseen preparations, the sounds of hushed movements and muffled laughter echoing through the tunnels. I imagined them huddled together, whispering and giggling like children planning a surprise party.

With the first glimmer of dawn, I rose from my bed, my excitement bubbling over. I emerged from my cave to find the entire settlement abuzz with activity. Gargoyles scurried about, their stone faces etched with an uncharacteristic cheerfulness. Children darted in and out of caves, their laughter bouncing off the canyon walls. Veda appeared, her eyes sparkling with barely contained excitement.

“Happy birthday, Evie!” Veda threw her arms around me.

Surprised, I stumbled backward, my cheeks flushing. “How did you know?” I asked, trying to hide my surprise.

Veda merely grinned, her eyes twinkling. “You can’t keep a secret from a gargoyle, my dear. We have our ways.”

The rest of the day was a whirlwind of activity. Veda led me on a tour of the settlement, showing me hidden nooks and crannies I’d never seen before. We explored secret passages that wound through the rocks, leading to underground springs and sparkling crystal caves. As we walked, gargoyles paused in their work to wish me a happy birthday, their faces softened in smiles.

In the afternoon, Kuzar returned from his hunting expedition, his muscular form covered in dust and sweat. When he saw me, his harsh features softened, and a faint smile tugged at his lips.

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