Page 3 of Surprise Me

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“Know it, babe. Now, get over here and give me a damn kiss,” he demanded. The smile never left his face. He was happy to see me, but I didn’t miss the fact that he didn’t reciprocate my feelings. He told me he loved me often enough, but he’d never say, ‘more than anything’, no matter how much I needed him to.

Our kiss quickly turned into a heated embrace that only took a second to escalate as he licked at the seam of my lips to get me to open for him. Like always, I melted under his touch and acquiesced to his demands. His arms slid around my body, one going straight to my ass while the other ran up my back until his fingers speared into the hair at the nape of my neck. I always loved when he did that. It sent the good kind of shivers down my spine. His groan in response made me want to mount him right there in the damn parking lot.

“Um, are we just going to stand out here the whole time?” Anna asked, sounding bored. I knew I should have left her at home, but then my parents would have been suspicious about where I was going.

Tripp and I pulled apart and he planted a quick kiss on the tip of my nose. “Damn, babe, gonna miss you like hell this summer.”

“You better!” It was a panicky demand, but I couldn’t help it. The thought of him here without me, not getting any sex at all, made me queasy. He loved me, but boys our age weren’t known for being very patient when they weren’t getting any. We had already gone nearly two months without sex because the timing had been off with everything going on with school, graduation for him, the club, and my parents doing their best to try to quietly keep us apart.

“You know I will,” he reassured me.

“Hello? Are we going inside, or what?” Anna demanded again, with a haughty tone. She even stomped her foot on the ground while smooshing her breasts together and up higher thanks to the way her arms were crossed just underneath.

“No, we’re not. I’m not a member yet, so I can’t bring guests into the clubhouse. Lucky I was given permission for you to be out here.”

“That’s stupid,” Anna shot back at Tripp, and I happened to agree, though I didn’t voice my opinion as Tripp shrugged his shoulders at her.

“Ain’t breakin’ the rules for you,” he told Anna.

“Not for your girlfriend either,” she huffed at him.

“She knows the deal,” he countered as I stood there silently wishing that he would choose me over them this time. We had been perfect up until he turned eighteen last September and started prospecting. Then, it was like the club consumed most of his free time outside of school. Now that he graduated and I still had one more year, I wondered what the next year would bring. He was supposed to be made a full-patch member sometime around his birthday. The thought left me feeling anxious, because then what would happen? He would be a full member, and it would be harder to convince him to leave.

“I can’t believe you’ll be gone all summer, babe.”

“You could still come with us, it’s not too late.”

He laughed. “Babe, you leave first thing in the morning. It’s way too late to hop on that flight. Besides, I’m too close to getting my patch. You know that. If I left now, I’d never be able to come back.”

I didn’t say anything, but Anna didn’t miss the opportunity. “Would that be such a bad thing? You know you can still ride your stupid Harley without belonging to a club and then you’d have more time for your girlfriend.”

Tripp sighed. “Even if I wasn’t prospecting, I still wouldn’t have been able to go with y’all to Europe.”

“Why not?” I blurted out, since this was the first time he’d said that to me. I’d always just assumed the club was to blame for him not coming with us.

“Be real, Junie. I’d have to stay here and work. There’s no way I could just go along with your family without having any money of my own.”

“My parents told you they would cover the whole thing.”

“Yeah? How do you think it would make me feel to take those handouts? Do you think your dad would really respect me at all if I had to go begging money from him to take you out to dinner in Paris? What about when you wanted me to buy you some fancy thing or other in Italy?”

I was about to argue that I didn’t need those things, but Tripp didn’t give me time to get it all out. Instead, he started explaining the other half of his argument- the one I couldn’t disagree with.

“I wouldn’t have a penny to my name, while I was there. Then, I’d come back home and wouldn’t have anywhere to live because I’ve been staying at the clubhouse. I wouldn’t be welcome back here after quitting on them during my prospecting period. I wouldn’t have money saved up to rent my own place either. For now, I get to stay in the bunkhouse here, earn money working in the garage, and then one day when we’re ready, I’ll be able to buy us a house instead of renting one.

I wanted to yell and scream about how unfair life was. My cousin accusing me of being a spoiled brat on the car ride to the clubhouse came to mind. She hadn’t been wrong. I hadn’t even thought of the fact that he’d been living in the clubhouse because his mom took off, and then overdosed, after his dad went to prison. I certainly hadn’t considered that he would need money to get his own place if things didn’t work out here.

My parents weren’t aware of those things, and I’d managed to put the ugly parts of Tripp’s life out of my mind as if they didn’t exist. If they knew about his family, or that he was living at the clubhouse, my father never would have extended that invitation for him to come. Not because Daddy couldn’t understand Tripp’s dilemma, but because he wouldn’t be welcome in my life at all.

“Sorry, I wasn’t thinking,” I finally muttered. Tripp pulled me into his arms and hugged me tight to his body.

“It’s okay, babe. Love that you don’t have to think about shit like that. I’m doing my best to become a full-patch member here, so that I can keep it like that for you. Don’t want you to ever want for anything in life or have to worry about shit like having a job, if you don’t want it.”

I smiled into his chest, knowing his goal had always been to make sure we had a good life together. Maybe, I could learn to love the club and have a good life with him anyway. Besides his prospecting, Tripp was apprenticing at the garage the club had on site. It might not have been as fancy as owning a bank, but he was going to make a living fixing things. My father was worried that he’d be a criminal, but working on cars wasn’t a crime. While we might not be rich, according to my father’s standards, Tripp was right. He’d be able to take care of us just fine.

“Hey handsome, we need to make a grocery run. You driving us today, or is Macky-boy doin’ it?”

I turned toward the door of the clubhouse to see two women, who were barely dressed, standing there staring at us. One of them had a skirt on that looked like it was made to fit a toddler instead of an adult. If she so much as swished her hips, you’d see every bit of her lady region. On top, she only had on a blue bra. If not for the dark color, you’d be able to see her nipples beneath it, and probably could closer up, because it was made entirely of lace. The other woman had a little more on as she was wearing black leather pants and a red halter top paired with bright red, sky-high heels.

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