Page 89 of Devastate Me

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“She had a prospect on her until she pulled into the clubhouse. Can’t say as to whether he stayed on her after she left, considering she tore out of here like a bat out of hell. My guess is her shadow was taking a piss break and no one followed her.”

“You just let her go?” I demanded to know what the fuck he’d been thinking to watch her run out of here on her own.

“No, Breakneck.Youlet her go. You drove her away from here today. You knew the threat might have been lessened for the rest of the club, especially our outliers, but she was still very much a target and instead of keeping her here at the clubhouse where she would be safe until we could locate the VOMC, you decided to make you dick a priority. Sent her packing with nothing more than a wet-behind-the-ears prospect to guard her. It should have been you keeping your woman safe. She realized today where your priorities were. They were with fucking other women rather than seeing to her safety. I’m guessing she figured since fucking them was more important than keeping her alive, then the threat couldn’t have been much of anything. You told her it was safe to go to Kip’s house when you knew damn good and well it wasn’t.”

“You have got to be kidding me,” I shouted at my president.

“Nope. That’s the fucking score and you know there wasn’t a single lie in there.”

“I didn’t prioritize other pussy above my woman’s safety.”

“You didn’t?” He asked.

“No, I fucking didn’t!”

“Yeah, you did. You’ll see it eventually. Take another look in the mirror, it’s right there. Every swinging dick in this room knows what the fuck you did and now, so does she.”

“You shouldn’t have let her go.”

“Wasn’t my place to stop her. She’s a grown woman and can make decisions for herself.”

“She’s in danger!” I growled at him. If it weren’t for Knox being cradled in his arms, I would have attacked the man I’d looked up to for years.

“Yeah, and she was in danger when you sent her away so you could fuck other people, too. It didn’t seem to matter to you then, so I figured it wouldn’t matter to you now, and I let her go.”

“You and me are not done here,” I warned.

“Be prepared then, because I don’t take threats lightly, especially when you’re the cunt who caused this. You want me to kick your ass, since you can’t do it yourself, I’ll gladly step into that role.”

I took off and headed out without another word to him. I needed to catch up to Nova before she did something stupid. There was no way I could deal with her just being gone without a trace.

“She’s probably just gone back to Kip’s place, if nothing else to pick up her clothes and whatnot before she bolts,” Tripp called out to me.

“That’s where you’re wrong. She still hasn’t settled there and I’m betting ten-to-one odds that she had all her stuff in her car when she showed up here today. There’s not going to be anything at Kip’s to find if she decided to get lost today.”

“Fuck!” Tripp hissed as I hopped on my Harley.

“Yeah, I may have fucked up, but you should have never let her leave after seeing that,” I shouted back to him.

Chapter 35



“Breakneck really did send me away so he could fuck the club whores in ways he never even attempted with me.”

Talking to myself wasn’t a good thing. I knew that, but there was literally no one else to talk to. Everyone who I thought cared about me belonged to the Savage Vipers. He was a Savage Viper. They all stuck together. They must have all known what he was up to, even Kip, and no one said a word to me because in the big scheme of things, I was the outsider. He was the one they would protect first.

My tank was empty, both figuratively and literally, so I pulled into the first gas station I came across. There was no telling where I was, since I’d jumped in my car and left as quickly as possible. The man guarding the gate at the MC almost refused to open the gate, but I managed to convince him that no one really cared what happened to me and that it was safer for his club if I was nowhere near it.

The club comes first. Honestly, I could see the beauty in it from the perspective of someone who didn’t come first for anyone. It was just too bad that I hadn’t stumbled across them as a man because then maybe I’d be able to be included, too. As a member, not a club girl, the disposable nanny, or the throw-away girlfriend.

I finished pumping gas and decided to run in to grab some food for the road because while there was no solid plan for where I’d end up, I knew the only answer I could come up with was far away. That would require food and water once my appetite came back. It would, eventually. Even heartbreak couldn’t stave off hunger for long. I knew that from first-hand experience.

“Nova?” A very familiar voice called out to me when I was paying for my snacks. I looked up to see Jeremy standing there looking completely shell-shocked. It seemed like today was the day for revisiting old heartaches on top of the new ones.

“Nova, my God! I’ve looked everywhere for you.”
