Page 13 of Devastate Me

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Chapter 7


For the second night in a row, I was left to watch Knoxville until well after ten at night. It had become a habit for Ashlynn to come back later each night. I wondered what on earth could keep a woman from her baby so long.

She was a real estate agent. They didn’t work that late in small towns like ours. Most mothers didn’t work those kinds of hours, no matter their job, when they had an infant at home to care for and a hotter than should be legal husband waiting.

Then again, Kip was rarely waiting on her, since my being there meant he was still at work, too. Kip already explained that he would be working later hours for the next couple of weeks because of some big project that had come up. I still had no clue what it was that he did for work. I assumed it was some shady business with the club and never asked. Maybe I should have. Then again, what would I do if the money that paid my bills was blood money or some such nonsense?

I couldn’t turn it away no matter what. Instead, for the second day in a row, I dragged myself into the Victorian house where I rented a room and practically crawled up the stairs, dead tired. The gym was already closed again, so I was going on day three without a shower and the way my hair hung limp and oily on my head was proof enough of that.

“You should really get a shower before you get into bed.”

I was startled when my landlord’s voice took me by surprise. He was standing at the door to the cellar. Most houses in this area didn’t have basements in them because it wasn’t plausible with the low water table. Dave’s house had once been graced with a root cellar that had been expanded on. At least, that’s what he told me when he explained it was the one area of the house that was off limits to me. He claimed the moisture that could collect down there on a rainy day made it particularly unsafe.

That didn’t instill a lot of confidence for the rest of the house, but I hoped that I wouldn’t have to live in this situation too much longer. Once this semester was over, there was only one more before graduation. Then, my hope was that I’d find a decent job with some longevity, that would allow me to find a place of my own that didn’t have to be shared with anyone else. After dealing with Creepy Dave as a landlord, I wasn’t sure I wanted to stomach what a roommate might be like.

The babysitting position with Kip and Knoxville paid plenty for me to live on my own comfortably, except for the fact that I had to save nearly all of it for future tuition and book expenses. Still, it was also a time-limited job. Before long, Knoxville would grow old enough to be put into daycare, preschool and then eventually kindergarten. Where would that leave me? I already knew the answer to that question. It would leave me without a job. I had to think about the big picture and my security because no one else would.

“Did you hear me?”

“Yes, Dave, I did.”


“Well, what?” I asked, almost too tired for this conversation. I didn’t like the way the man always insisted that the shower should be my number one destination in the house.

“Are you going to go shower and clean up?”

I scrunched my nose as the hairs on the back of my neck and my arms stood on end. “I’m too tired. I’ll probably wait until morning.”

“You don’t pay a lot to stay here. The least you can do is have good hygiene. Otherwise, we may end up with an insect infestation,” Dave complained.

“I’ll get right on that,” I mumbled while taking the steps up one level to my bedroom. I would not, in fact, get right on that. Not in his house. When Dave first became insistent about me taking showers, it made me uncomfortable enough to take a harder look at the shower itself. It was one of those old claw foot tubs with a metal ring around it that held a shower curtain in place and a shower head stuck out of the wall.

The first time I noticed that there appeared to be something else just above the shower head, I swore I’d never clean up in that house again. I couldn’t afford to move out though, so I thought if the creepy bastard had been watching me shower, I’d take that from him and use the gym that was free for locals.

It wasn’t the most ideal option, but it was the best I had. Once I got to my room, I immediately pushed the dresser in front of the door, since there weren’t any locks on the door itself. I asked Dave about adding locks and he told me that I wasn’t allowed to alter the house in any way. The dresser in front of the door was my only security at night. It wouldn’t keep anyone out for long, but it would give me a warning if anyone tried to get in.

I was tired, but also frustrated. My thoughts drifted back to Breakneck, Kip’s club brother. There was no good reason why I found that man so irresistible. There was no doubting that he was attractive. The man stood around five inches over six feet tall, and while he appeared bulky at first, it became clear rather quickly that he was just solid muscle.

Unlike a lot of the other bikers at the clubhouse, he kept his hair trimmed really close to his scalp. It was a lighter shade of brown and would probably be only a couple shades darker than my own hair if he’d let it grow out. His eyes were still a mystery to me. Sometimes, I got hints of blue, others they appeared green. It didn’t matter. The mystery of his eye color only added to the fact that I couldn’t stop thinking about him. I could still feel the warm imprint of his hand at my back from days ago when he’d touched me there.

I wondered what it would feel like to have him cup those large hands around my breasts. How would it feel to have him caress the achy heaviness out of them that was always present when he was around? I knew it was a state of arousal. I’d never had another person help me out of that state before, and curiosity made me wonder what it would be like.

I cupped my own breast, pinching my nipple slightly as I closed my eyes and imagined it was the man I’d become so infatuated with. His rough hands and his mouth would probably offer entirely different sensations. Would the five o’clock shadow he always seemed to have irritate my skin or make for a delicious scrape against sensitive areas?

My mind wandered to him putting his hands between my legs, feeling my slick pussy waiting to be discovered by him. My own fingers traced along my crease, tantalizing my clit with teasing little touches as I thought of what it would be like to have Breakneck doing just that.

“Breakneck,” I whimpered as I rolled my fingers with more pressure across my clit. What was his real name? I wished I knew so that his name would be on my lips when my climax hit.

“Yes, Breakneck,” I moaned again while pushing my body closer to the release it craved. It didn’t take long to get there, especially when he was at the forefront of my fantasies.

Most women dreamed of their first time being sweet and romantic. Breakneck was my fantasy for a different reason. The thought of him tossing me into whichever position satisfied him was what got me off quicker than any imaginings of sweet love making. Maybe one day, I would know what that felt like, but it probably wouldn’t be the man who starred in my fantasies. He was off limits for several reasons, not the least of which was that he would most likely break my heart, since one woman never seemed to be enough for him.

Chapter 8


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