Page 82 of Devil in the Dark

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I prompt, “What about Popcorn?”

His eyes ignite with hope and pleasure. It’s a favorite of his I’m sure to make often, knowing he won’t ask for it. “Yeah,” his breathless excitement tickles me pink.

Tav chuckles. “We’ll swim until we can’t swim anymore, then we’ll finish the night off with a movie and popcorn smothered in butter. That sound good?”

“Yeah!” Landon shrieks, the excitement too much for him to contain.

Tav glances over his shoulder. “Mav?”

“It sounds better than good.”

“The best,” Tav agrees.

“The best.” Mav nods, his little honey brown eyes bursting with happiness and hope and love.

It’s in the love that I have for my boys that I know, as terribly painful as fate can be, as mysterious and agonizing as she sometimes works, her ways are never, never wrong.

My hand curls around Tav’s on my thigh. “I love you, you know?”

His eyes slide to me, and his lips curl as he calls, “What do we say, boys?”

The car erupts in a chorus of “I love you, Mommy,” that has my already full heart bursting at the seams.

In all the pain that brought me to this moment, I wouldn’t take a single moment back, because then I wouldn’t have this. The light in the dark. My family. My reason for breathing.

The loves of my life.
