Page 61 of Devil in the Dark

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It’s the kind of moan that shouldn’t be heard by the man who’s been trying to get rid of me since the moment I arrived.

Last night, he told me I was his. I’m not sure I believe him.

I’m not sure this isn’t just another play to push me away. To shatter me.

But damn, his mouth on my skin feels so good. And his touch—it ignites a path of fire that is currently traveling south.

When he cups me between my legs, his palm pressing into my swollen clit as he pushes two fingers into my already wet core, my moan turns into something else. Something feral.

“God, Tav.” I’m not sure if I’m protesting or pleading as he grinds his arousal into my ass, hooking a knee into the back of mine and pushing upward. The move opens me to him, and he begins to fuck me with his fingers as he pins my body into the bed with the weight of his own at my back.

“Fucking can’t wait to fuck you,” he grunts, teeth sliding over the t-shirt that covers my shoulder as my hands stretch upward in search of something—anything—to hold onto.

“Oh,” I moan as he crooks a finger inside me. “Yes.”

I’m shameless. We’re shameless.

When Tav makes me come unstitched for the third time, it’s in a puddle of confusion and shame beneath his big body. I don’t know what I’m doing, letting him use my pleasure and need against me like this.

What is his angle?

My body falls to the mattress, my chest heaving with heavy breaths as the throbbing quakes of my most recent orgasm fade to a dull, exhaustive strum.

With another kiss, this one to my bare ass cheek—the horror—Tav lifts from the bed to walk to the bathroom. He doesn’t bother to close the door, and not a moment later, I hear the shower turn on.

For a few minutes, I stay face down on his bed, wondering what in the actual crap has happened. A spike of anxiety twists sharply in my belly, and I lift myself from the bed. I need yoga. And coffee. And Charlie. I need to call Charlie.

First, though, I need a shower—because after three orgasms, I’m a mess.

To get to the door of Tav’s room, I have to first pass the bathroom. Unable to help myself, I sneak a peek as I pass—and stop, stunned, at the sight before me. Tav in the shower, perfectly visible through the glass. He’s completely naked, and his big hand is wrapped around a bigger cock.

I blink, alarmed when that hand begins to move. Up and down. Over the head, up the shaft. Slow. Then faster. Then faster. His hips begin to thrust into his fist, and my mouth goes dry. Heat prickles my skin and even though he just made me come, that sharp twist of anxiety blooms into an excruciating knot of desire.

With a deep grunt—a sound I know I’ll never forget as long as I live—Tav splashes his release on the glass of the shower.

My eyes snap up in shock, landing on dark eyes that are fixed on me.

Fire burns in my chest as I turn and flee.

* * *

Showered and dressed in a pair of spandex shorts and an oversized blue sweater over top of a workout tank, I finally gather the courage to leave my room and enter the kitchen. I find Tav standing with a carafe of coffee. Seeing the to-go coffee, I’m equally relieved and disappointed. I need time alone to think and process everything that has happened. But I also can’t help but want him to stay.

His eyes burn into mine. Please, please don’t bring up my spying.

“I made coffee.”

I swallow even though my tongue is dry. Twin flames burn my cheeks, because I can’t look at him and not see the way his fist pumped his cock.

“Yeah—um—thanks.” I head for the clean mug that sits beside the coffee pot. When my hand trembles, Tav looses a deep chuckle and beats me to the pot. He pours my cup and I add my cream and sugar, refusing to look at him.

I. Just. Can’t.

“I have to work for a few hours, but I should be home early today.”


“We’ve got a show this weekend.” I can feel his dark eyes on me, waiting. Because I can feel them, I take a sip of the good stuff for bravery and lift my eyes to his. He smiles softly. “There’s my girl.”
