Page 14 of Lovin' on Red

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Enthusiasm stretched his lips wide. “I save the best for last. It’s cliché, but I’ve always thought the kitchen is the real heart of the home.”

Vi’s lips tweaked. Adorably so. “If that’s the case, this kitchen is on life-support.”

She led the way while Rory angled his head to look at the ceiling joists and corners. No weaknesses to the visible eye. Still, he’d have a roofing crew check it over. When Vi stopped, he stood behind her. The view from over her shoulder proved enjoyable for reasons having nothing to do with the house. He adjusted his attention and gazed into a small galley way. Enough space for the essentials. No extra footage for anything else.

Vi shied away from his nearness and motioned to the area. “I first got the idea to update here. Bringing the kitchen into the twenty-first century is a priority, though it probably needs an add-on.” She shot Rory a wry look. “If I can afford it.” Quickly turning, she picked up a stray can from under the counter, no doubt from where it rolled the other night when the vagrants had fled.

“I’ll run projections, so you have an idea how much the renovations will cost. Updates on the bathrooms and kitchen, bigger closets, and creating two more bedrooms within the existing space would summarize the interior, I think. Then we’ll prioritize.”

Her delicate brows knit as she viewed the room. “I don’t need extra bedrooms.”

Hmm. He swallowed, chalking it up to simply not knowing. “It’s a matter of looking down the road, Vi. What if you get married and decide to live elsewhere? The house will be easier to sell if it’s updated.”

“I don’t want to live anywhere else.” Vi’s jaw resembled a brick.

“Okay. What if you have kids? They’ll need their own rooms. The master bedroom already has space for an adjoining nursery.” Uh-oh. Her face shuttered. He’d lost her, only he didn’t understand why.

She brushed past him, her boot dragging. Fumbling in a pocket, she pulled out an orange, put it back, then pulled out her phone. “I have to get back.”

“But you said?—”

“I remembered an errand. Can you take me back now?”

Rory stroked his beard, trying to keep up. “Not a problem.”

She lit out the door as fast as the boot would allow. Rory caught up to her and helped her down the steps. They got in the car without a word. He punched the ignition button. As the vehicle purred to life, he turned to her. “What did I say?”

Vi stayed silent for a moment, then spoke quietly. “It’s not you. It reminded me of … unhappy times.”

Rory stilled. Whatever the unhappiness, she hadn’t gotten over it. “Wanna tell me about it?”

Vi’s braid flew sideways in a vehement no.

He waited a few moments. When she didn’t volunteer any more, he put the car in gear. “I’ve enjoyed working with you. Now that I’ve seen the house and have an idea of what you want, I’ll work on the numbers.”

Small talk reigned as Rory drove back to Peeps. He cheered on the inside when Vi appeared to shake off her funk and answered a few non-threatening questions.

Parking in the Peeps’ lot, he turned to her. “I won’t belabor the point, but I’m a safe place, Vi.”

Her blue eyes glinted, and a smile ghosted her lips. She leaned over and tapped him on the nose. “Rory Spence, … you’re not safe at all.”


In the cozy little room, Vi flicked her braid over one shoulder, inhaling the subtle lavender scent emanating from the diffuser as she draped sheets on the massage table. Dimming the lights, she left to get Tavo from the waiting area.

“Hey, bud.” She eyed the man cramped into a chair too small for his girth.

“Hey, yourself.” He rose, towering over her. The tic above his eyebrow signaled pain.

Vi nodded to the swim trunks clutched in his hand. “You know the drill. Slip into those and crawl under the sheets.” Helping Tavo and other public servants unwind from the stress of their jobs had become part of the reason Vi loved massage. She turned toward the women’s dressing room. With a glance over her shoulder, she said, “When I come in, be ready to tell me where it hurts.” When clients could verbalize their pain, they felt validated.

Vi studied Tavo’s stride as he hobbled into the room. Pinched nerve? Sciatica? The man loved powerlifting, despite the strain on his body.

Minutes later, he lay on his back, covered up with the sheet. Vi pushed down on his shoulders. Rearranging the sheet to leave his arm free, she kneaded the exposed limb. A regular client, Tavo knew what to expect, and his breathing evened into a relaxed rhythm.

As her hands continued with the gliding strokes, Vi’s thoughts drifted to Rory. He’d texted earlier, saying they would start the demo phase today if the crew stayed on schedule. Her emotions impersonated a mallet plinking up and down a xylophone scale. Happy the project had gotten underway, even if doubt assailed her regularly. The ultimate cost of the remodel had caused sticker shock, but Rory had gone over a mammoth cost breakdown with her. He seemed as jazzed about the project as she.

Dare she hope this remodel would be everything she dreamed of? Daddy would have loved this. Vi’s lips stretched into a grin. Probably what he envisioned from the get-go. Her fixing up the house. Daddy had possessed many positive qualities, even if follow-through didn’t make the list.
