Page 28 of Forever Flaunting

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“Okay. Cool,” Max began, nodding. “I can work with that. Thank you.”

“You bet,” Eileen smiled at him. “Show you care, and that will go a long way with a girl.”

“Don’t give up either,” Reese interjected. “Sometimes, things get tough and instead of walking away – turn toward them and realize that you are making an active choice to choose this person to be your partner. Relationships aren’t easy, but they are so worth it when you find the right person. It took me years to learn that.”

“Yeah, don’t take years,” Eileen chuckled, sharing a look with his brother, who looked almost embarrassed about it. Max couldn’t help but smile because he knew Reese always dragged his feet, being exceedingly sure about making a change or doing something before jumping in. He had no doubt it took them years to get to this place, and he didn’t want it to take years for him and Elana.


He meant business and had four days to convince her to give this her ‘all.’

“Welp,” Max began. “I’m heading out and need to get a few things taken care of.”

“Just remember, whatever you do needs to be emotional or special between the two of you.”

“Got it,” he nodded, smiling.

Hours later, Max was not smiling.

This was hard.

Everything he looked at, selected, or chose either implied love, marriage, fidelity, or referred to children. There were coffee mugs with hearts all over them that professed love, and they’d been on one botched first date. Pen sets that said ‘His’ and ‘Hers’ – and he couldn’t exactly gift Elana something like that. Everything looked bridal if it was white or like a funeral if it was black. He really didn’t want to associate either with their budding relationship. Greeting cards said ‘I love you’ or ‘Happy Anniversary’… and he didn’t know any of her sizes.

His text message to her apparently made her mad.

Hey, what size are you?

Any allergies?

Elana hadn’t responded, and it had been four hours since it said ‘seen’ on his phone. His girl was playing hard to get, and while he liked the chase, he kinda needed to know. It was a simple question and kinda necessary if he was going to get her something spiffy like a pair of sexy heels or maybe something pretty to wear. He wanted to dress his girl up and make her feel beautiful about herself because she seemed so insecure about things.

Frost Queen… puh-lease.

His beautiful Elana was killer ‘hawtness’ personified according to the Bro-Code and gave new meaning to his call sign - Inferno.

He was burning up on the inside at the idea of holding her in his arms someday, only he didn’t know how to get to that point. Maybe something that would make her laugh or smile?

Max snapped his fingers excitedly.

He’d get her something to make her smile, something that would make her laugh, maybe something sparkly for her ears since he did not want to give her a ring or for her to take things the wrong way, and a bit of chocolate or flowers.

Yup. He was going to toss everything at the wall and see what ‘stuck.’



“What size are you?” Elana muttered in disbelief and threw her phone into her purse, not bothering to answer. “What kind of nitwit asks a girl’s size? He might as well have asked me what I weighed too…”

Losing herself in phone calls, files, and paperwork, it was nearly three o’clock when there was a knock at her office door.


“You have a guest,” Tricia, the pretty receptionist, peered inside and hesitated. “He brought you flowers again and some other stuff.”

“I’m busy.”

“I told him you were in a meeting,” Tricia began, “but he said he would wait.”
