Page 58 of Marco

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Grimacing, I look at Sally with a small, hopeful smile. "Ignore him, Sally. He can't stop us from talking. How are you, by the way? We haven't talked at all since––"

"Sorry, I actually have a lot of passengers to tend to," she blurts before turning away and heading down the aisle. Baffled, I watch her back as she moves further and further away. Drew chuckles cruelly before following her.

"I don't get it," I say under my breath. "Drew being a dick is one thing, but Sally has no reason to be mean to me."

"Hmm," Marco mumbles.

Shifting in my seat I study his thoughtful face. "What is it, what are you thinking?"

He hesitates, as if he isn't sure he wants to tell me. "The only reason an acquaintance would act like that is because they feel guilty or afraid."

"Afraid? Sally has nothing to be scared of with me!"

"Then..." He watches me closely. I'm sure he sees the confusion melt into disbelief across my features.

"No," I say firmly. "She didn't do anything to me. Drew did."

"Didn't you mention something about her offering to help you, then never following through?"

"Damn, good memory. But no, she probably just got tangled up in work. It's exhausting being a flight attendant."

"Maybe," he agrees softly.

I nod, mind is racing. His comment is digging in its claws., I wish I could re-read the old text messages. They're on my destroyed phone, though. I flip my new phone over and over in my hands.What did she say again? That she would come meet me in the airport?And then she didn't. I could blame it on her getting called onto a new flight with little warning––it's happened to me in the past––but it doesn't feel right. If it was just that, why not text me later to apologize? To check on me?

"I think you're right," I whisper to Marco. My nails curl into my palms until they hurt my skin. I'm hunching over my knees, shrinking in my seat. "Why would Sally be involved in getting me fired, though? I thought she liked me."

He slips his hand around mine in my lap. "It's an awful feeling when people we think care about us end up hurting us. Believe me, I know."

Some of the tension in my body evaporates. "Any tips for moving forward?"

"Well, what worked for me was getting revenge." His grin tilts higher at one corner. "I can help you with that."

He's serious.The plane jostles as we leave the gate and move along the tarmac. Turning to look forward, I watch as Sally begins the safety demonstrations. She's beaming happily as she pokes the display belt into its slot. "I need to talk to her and get answers."

"That part is easy." Marco pulls me against his hard shoulder. He smells like cinnamon. "She's trapped here with you for nine hours."

"True," I laugh miserably. Determined to get out of the negative head space I push my weight against Marco. "You smell good, by the way."

"Thank god for that."

Okay––that time my laugh was a real one.

Chapter Twenty

Sally tries to avoid me all flight. When beverage service comes through, I'm not surprised to see Drew running it. He plasters a fake smile on as he hands Marco the beer he ordered, and then pours me the mimosa I asked for.

"Here you go––whoops!" he gasps, dropping the plastic cup onto my shirt.

"Oh!" I cry out, wiping at my soaked clothing.

"I'mso sorry!What sort of clutz spills a drink on a passenger?" Drew asks. His eyes are big and wide. A total performance.

"You did that on purpose," Marco growls.

"I'd never! Sir, I am a professional!"

Marco passes me his little napkin square then reaches out a hand to Drew. "More napkins. Now."
