Page 30 of Captive Heart

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So far, Persephone has shown me prickly, weepy and pleading. But I haven’t had a chance to see this softer side of her.

A side that beckons to me, whispers that there is so much more of this woman yet to be discovered.

She looks back at me, her hazel eyes concerned. “Do you think that the mother will be okay out there with all this going on?”

She motions to the roof so that I know she means the weather. Her distress seems genuine.

“If I had to guess, lass, this weather is a part of everyday life here.” I suck in a breath.

She nods, looking at the rabbits. “I would hate for them to be without their mother. That’s all. No one should be motherless.”

At Persephone's mention of being motherless, I back out of the room. A pang strikes at my heart. I know what it is like to grow up without a mother.

There is one little part of me that desperately wants to know what Persephone's story is. Needs to have her tell me everything, no holds barred, from her birth to present. I’m just dying of curiosity.

But I am at my emotional limits for today. So I don’t say another word to Persephone. Instead, I turn and walk away from her.

If my life were different.

If I wasn’t such a cold, heartless bastard.

If she weren’t such a weak, caring woman.

Maybe I would seduce her.

Maybe we would spend the night together on a beach in Malta.

Maybe that would turn into a week, a month, or a summer.

I walk into the living room, closing my eyes. A summer of Persephone would be nice.

I want her. I think that she wants me, too, in her way.

But no.

I can’t get distracted. I have this mission, to ruin Constantine. And I’ll be damned if I’m led astray from it, even by a raven haired beauty with enchanting hazel eyes.



Iavoid leaving the bedroom later that night because I can hear their voices. Hades, Ares, and Eros.

All three villains. All three intriguing.

All three utterly off limits to me. I’ve been down the garden path before. The last time I followed my heart, it led me straight into Constantine's arms.

Where did that land me?

Almost dying on a beach, with Constantine screaming that I had betrayed him. I still don’t fully understand exactly what set him off. All I can say is that he had done so many lines of blow and maybe he just… snapped.

In any event, Constantine left me for dead. And it took so long for me to free myself of his nettling brambles that I’m forever wary now.

Besides, that assumes that someone who looks like Hades would want this new, damaged version of me. After Constantine backed me off a cliff and I tumbled to the ground, I hit my head hard enough to have a bruise on mybrain.

But that’s not the worst of it.

That kind of misplaced trust causes permanent damage. That’s what I now associate with following my heart.

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