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I snarled my displeasure. “Over my dead body.”

“To be fair, you were legally dead. Any way, allow them this space and they will allow you to disappear back into the mist.”

“Allow, ha! I’ll disappear whenever I say so. How long will this all take?”

“The gala is next month. You don't have to attend.”

At least that’s a measure of comfort. “What is required of me?”

“Nothing. Everything is set up, including a cleaning crew and caterers for the day of. I signed off on it all. In fact, it’s best that you just do what you always do, and stay away from the house. By the way, how long has it been since you stepped foot in here before today?”

It was well before the holidays since I’d stepped foot in the house for anything other than swapping out a book. Damn, that was nearly five months ago.

No wonder I haven’t been in the loop about a lot of things.

I hate that he's right. “Fine. I’ll stay away from the house.”

“And?” he prompted. “You won’t run anyone out of the house.”

I swallow a growl. “Dammit, I said I’ll stay away from the house.”

“On that note.” Jack stands up, and I follow suit. “Ma appreciates the last batch of oils you sent, by the way. They've helped with the guests at the spa. Zora, too.”

I nod in acknowledgment. At least some good has come from my hand.

Jack pauses at the door, which finally opens for him. “You know, it might do you some good to walk about every now and again. At least on your own property. Be one with nature. Meditate. It can’t be good to be cooped up in your lab all day, every day.” He taps the notice that’s still pinned there.

I swallow the retort that comes easily to me. After all, my habits have caused me to nearly lose my house, and Jack was instrumental in my keeping it. Even though it’s not happy with me at the moment, it’s still mine.

“I will keep that in mind, cousin.” I wait for him to disappear into the mist before tearing the paper from the door and shredding it into little pieces.

Chapter Three



“So what do you think they mean about the house needing to recognize you?” Nora’s voice comes from my car speaker. She keeps me company on the phone as I drive into Avalon Vale.

I stayed overnight at a roadside motel. It was the closest reservation I could get to the town, but even then, it’s a forty-five minute drive away.

It’s a good thing this job wants the property manager to be on site. A daily drive like this would be killer to productivity.

“Maybe it has to do with Otherkin technology? You know, like facial recognition? Biometrics? I’m sure it’s something lost in translation.”

“I suppose that makes sense. Anyway, the property owner sent confirmation that the estate’s representative would be there to meet you and show you around the property.” Nora pauses. I can almost see her squint at her screen the way she does when she doesn’t quite understand the client messages. “If the house accepts you, then the job is yours. That another lost in translation moment, you think?”

“Must be. Maybe that’s their way of referring the house staff? Wait, no, that doesn’t make sense. It’s been unoccupied for years.” I’ve been brushing up on the history of Lakeside Manor as much as I could from generalized Internet searches. Unfortunately, the human side of things is woefully lacking in any information regarding the Otherkin aside from what’s been filtered into urban legends and myths.

“Abandoned and reclaimed by Avalon Vale. However, there’s a footnote here that the estate representative has been approved by Vernados Enterprises. Vernados being the family that owns the manor.”

“That’s the one I’m supposed to impress, right?”

“”Yes. But that’s not gonna be a problem. The job is in the bag. This step is just a formality. Remember that.”

Easy for her to say. If we lose this job, Nora will be out a part of the service commission. But for me? I’ll be homeless and would need to find another job ASAP so I’m not living off my savings.

A familiar knot of anxiety tightens the pit of my stomach. I take a steadying breath.
