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“Just one night, okay? It’s below zero out there with snow in the forecast, and unless you run your engine all night to keep the heat on in your car, you’ll be at risk of getting really sick. The kid has already had enough fun for one night, don’t you think?”

She grimaces, her gaze dropping to Toby, tears welling in her pretty green eyes, making them glassy. Blinking them back, she nods once. “Okay.”

“Okay,” I repeat, feeling a deep sense of relief. “You should grab whatever you need from your car. I’ll drive you both.”

“You’ll drive us?”

“You’ll need to preserve your gas to get you to wherever it is that you’re going to, right?”

She chews on her lip, deliberating. “Look, I’m not going to hurt you. I promise,” I add, hoping to fuck by now she’ll know I’m not going to hurt her despite her preconceived idea of me.

She lets out a strained laugh as she jerks her chin up and levels her gaze with mine. “I might seem feeble to you, but if you do anything to hurt my son, I promise you I will fight to the death to protect him.”

Shifting Toby on my hip, I meet her heated gaze. “I don’t think you’re feeble, Lia. In fact I think you’re the type of woman who’s dangerous for a man like me.”

She considers me for a moment, and I don’t know if it’s what I just said that changes her mind, or if she’s finally reached rock bottom, but either way she nods and says, “Let’s go then.”



The quirky looking woman with pink-streaked, strawberry blonde hair, thick batwing eyeliner, and unicorn earrings gives me a sweet smile from behind the reception desk. I can tell she’s curious as to why Drix is bringing some random woman and her son to this beautiful hotel, and checking them in a room for the night.

“And Dalton agreed to this?” she asks, her eyebrows rising a little in surprise as she hands over the keycard to the room she’s just checked us into. Drix takes it from her while I stand a little way back, feeling wholly uncomfortable not just because this situation screams woman in need, but because this hotel is clearly five stars and I simply don’t belong here.

“Yeah, I just reminded him about that night I saved his arse from a beating when he got caught with his dick–”

“Drix!” the receptionist exclaims, her eyes flicking to Toby who’s stirring in his arms. Aside from the twenty minute drive over here, Drix hasn’t put him down. I’m not entirely sure how I feel about that.

“Sorry, Daise…” Drix mumbles, shifting on his feet, his cheeks colouring a little. “Ain’t used to having to hold my tongue.”

I look between the two curiously. They seem incredibly relaxed in each other’s company. Drix must notice my confusion because he jerks his chin at the receptionist and says, “This is my sister, Daisy. Daisy, meet Lia and Toby.”

I give her a tight smile. Sister? Okay, now I get it. Although I would never have guessed they were related, they look nothing alike. Where Drix is a huge, somewhere over six foot, wall of a man, with dark brown eyes and hay blonde hair, Daisy is a petite woman in both height and stature with freckles dusting her nose and cheeks, and the palest blue eyes I’ve ever seen.

“Well, it’s nice to meet you Lia,” Daisy says, her genuine smile making me feel a tiny bit more comfortable. “I’m on the night shift and don’t clock off until nine am, so if you need anything at all, just ring zero and I’ll be here to help, okay?”

“Okay,” I reply, my smile tensing a little when I hear someone close by commenting about the state of the clientele these days.

Drix must hear the comment too, because he throws a look at the obviously well-to-do couple and says, “I’ll pass your concerns onto Carl Gunn, shall I? I’m sure he’ll be interested to hear all about how you just insulted his son’s guests.”

The woman, who’s dripping in jewels and expensive clothing, gasps, and the man I’m assuming is her husband clears his throat and says, “Apologies Mr Hammer, my wife has had one tipple too many. Pleasure to meet you,” he adds, his gaze flicking to me as he steers his wife towards the lounge bar at the far end of the corridor.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Drix mumbles, and Daisy grins.

“Go on, get this woman and her son to their room,” she orders. “Sleep well, Lia.”

“Thank you,” I reply, readjusting my bag on my shoulder and following Drix across the marbled floor to the elevators on the other side of the reception hall.

The journey to the tenth floor only takes half a minute, but the tension in the small space is enough to make me catch my breath a couple of times. I don’t even know how I got here, standing in an elevator with a man who, apparently, has no issue helping a complete stranger. I’m both confused by his apparent kindness, and suspicious of his motives. Despite that, I couldn’t argue against his offer, not when Toby is clearly exhausted, unwell, and we have literally nowhere else to go.

“You good?” Drix asks me, his gaze falling to my hands that I’m currently wringing in front of me.

“I’m fine,” I lie, dropping my hands to my side and refusing to look at him. I’m on the verge of tears, and I really don’t want to lose it in front of him.

“I’m sure you’ll feel better after a good night’s sleep in a comfortable bed,” he offers, clearing his throat when I don’t respond. Because, honestly, I’m dreading waking up in the morning knowing I have to face the fact that I’m literally homeless with no money to my name, and no way to take care of myself, let alone Toby.

Moments later we hit the top floor, and the doors to the elevator slide open onto a richly decorated hallway that I almost don’t want to step onto with my dirt-encrusted trainers. The carpet is a plush maroon, off-setting the golden flecked wallpaper and decorative sconces.

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