Page 33 of You & Me: Part Two

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Oh boy…I sure do feel all warm and fuzzy inside. My first drink and now two horrendously awful shots are hitting me quickly. I’m not sure there’s enough fry bread to save me now.

“Cami, no more drinks for me. Let’s share a mac and cheese and then I need to get my butt home.”


“Wait, how are you gonna drive us home? You’ve had as much as I have.”

“Nope, I’ve just had the Bellini. I didn’t drink the shots. Those were all yours honey.”

“You suck, Cam!”

“Oh hush, how else am I gonna get you to tell us how you really feel about him? Besides you’re a cheap date.”

She’s right. I’m slumped and leaning my cheek on my right hand and my words have begun to slur just a tad while I try to get deep with Alex.

“Alex, he’s so freaking hot and the sex…Alex…oh my God, the sex. There are just no words. I wonder if he’s gotten better with age? Not sure how that’s possible and I do not want to know who he might have practiced with, but God what I would do to have that man again. He is hot, sweet—remembered how I take my coffee after all these years—gorgeous, adorable, hot, strong and hung!” A little hiccup sneaks out at that last outburst and Alex just laughs at me. “Oh and don’t forget he rescued the cutest dog ever and her name is Frances! He’s hot and he rescues dogs, Alex!”

“Then why don’t you tell him how you feel?”

“Alex, he doesn’t need to be tied down with an instant family, and I have issues. You know that!”

Cami replies before Alex gets the chance. “You’re stupid, that’s what your issue is. Nothing will ever hold you back from your life more than your own insecurities, Em. I don’t know how many times I have to tell you that, but you are both amazing and stupid at the same time. Hopefully, one day you’ll wake up and realize how much you have to offer. Now eat your mac and cheese so you can sober up and we’ll get you home and to bed.”

“Love you, Cam.”

“I know you do, Em,” she says as she bumps my shoulder with hers. “And I love you right back.”

Oh my God…my head is pounding…where the hell am I? What is going on?

It only takes a moment to realize I’m home—well, Mickey’s home that I’m crashing in because I still don’t have my life together—and that my head is pounding from the drinks that Cami made me partake in last night. We didn’t stay out late, so I cannot believe I feel so crappy. I reach out for my phone and realize it is only three a.m. I also notice that there’s a slew of text messages waiting for me and the one on top says it’s from Georgia.

Oh no, Emily. What the hell have you done?

I drop the phone back on the bedside table scared to see what I wrote.

This cannot be happening!

I did not drunk text him. No way! That is just not me!

I don’t get drunk, therefore I don’t drunk text.

I get out of bed, get a glass of water and take something for the pounding in my head, while I pace my room. I just keep staring at my phone like it’s about to jump up and bite me. I’m so anxious. I want to know what the messages say, but I’m too much of a chicken to pick up the phone and read it.

I distract myself and walk out into the hall and poke my head in Ireland’s room to see her sleeping soundly with all her stufties around her. She is an amazing little girl and I am so proud of her. I wouldn’t change anything if it meant I didn’t have her in my life. She’s worth all the sacrifices I’ve made, but when I think about it, none of it was a sacrifice…because I have her.

I don’t want to wake her up so I head back to my room, shut the door and pick up my phone. Let’s see what kind of damage control I need to do. I make myself not read anything and go to the beginning and oh boy do I have a lot of scrolling to do. Looks like we were at it for a while.

Gracie: I heard Kings of Leon tonight and it reminded me of dancing in the dark, on the beach, in front of the fire. That was fun.

Georgia: It was fun.

Gracie: It wasn’t a song from our album though.

Georgia: Where are you?

Gracie: On my way home from happy hour with Cami and Alex. Cami made me go.

Gracie: :(
