Page 14 of You & Me: Part Two

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“Come on man, I can read right through you. Something’s not right and you aren’t telling me what it is.”

Gabby speaks up this time and says, “It’s nothing bad, Jonathan. Emily was just looking for you. She wants to talk to you about something.”

“Why does this not make me feel any better?”

“Just ignore him. Devon’s already had a few too many beers and he’s just being stupid,” she says and gives me a hug. “Glad you’re here, and I’m sure that Em will be back out in just a minute.”

Just as she says that,the back slider door to the house opens and there she is. She is gorgeous as always and she doesn’t even have to try. I noticed at The Gym the other day that her body hasn’t changed much at all. She’s a bit curvier, but in the best possible way. She isn’t twenty-one anymore and it looks good on her. Tonight she’s wearing those tight as hell skinny jeans that are rolled at the bottom—just like in California—with some flip flops and a dark blue t-shirt. Nothing fancy, but to me she is perfect. Intoxicating.

I’ve held so much hostility towards her these past years, but once I saw her again it all came back. That instant connection. It’s like I was an addict who had been clean and sober, and the moment I saw her I fell right off the wagon and started imbibing again. I feel a calmness overtake me just knowing I’ll be in the same room with her, but at the same time, I’m nervous as hell. What is she going to tell me? Will it be enough to make me understand how she could just walk away from us?

I start to make my way towards her and Devon pats me on the back and still has that strange look on his face. What. The. Hell? I feel like everybody knows what’s going on but me.

“Hey there, Georgia, glad you could make it.”

“Me too. Did I miss anything exciting?”

“Nope, no drunk cop stories to tell yet. I see you got a beer are you hungry? Can I get ya something?”

“I’m good right now. I’ll get something in a bit.”

Tell me now!

I hate this polite conversation and beating around the bush bullshit.

Right when I’m about to lean forward and ask her if she wants to go talk we’re suddenly surrounded by people. It appears Emily was wrong and the drunk cop stories have begun. Eventually, we all find deck chairs to sit in and the beers start flowing. I notice Emily still doesn’t seem to drink. She’s been sipping on a Diet Coke all night. I notice her sneak away into the house a couple of times. She must be keeping her own personal stash of Diet Coke in the house. Lord knows you have to hide things with this crew because anything out in the open is fair game.

After a while, Emily seems to be in a deep conversation with MacKenzie Theissen and her girlfriend Liz, so I take this time to sneak away to the bathroom.

As I leave the bathroom I hear something coming out of the room just across the hall and notice there’s a small light on and the door is cracked. On instinct, I take the two steps across the hall and peek my head into the door.

In the bed talking to her stuffed animals is the cutest little girl I have ever seen. She has big brown eyes and curly blond hair. She sees me and gasps and closes her eyes to pretend she’s asleep.

“It’s okay, I’m a friend of the person who owns this house. I won’t tell anybody your awake if you don’t want me to?”

The sweetest little voice I have ever heard whispers.

“You’re friends with Uncle Mickey and Frank?”

Did she just say Uncle? What the…?

“Yep, I sure am. Mick’s your uncle?” I ask as calmly as I can without hyperventilating.

“Yep,” she whispers.


“Who’s your mommy?”

“My mommy is Emily. Do you know her too?”

My heart starts to beat out of my chest as I try to calculate how old she is.

“I do know your mommy, she’s an old friend of mine.”


“What’s your name sweetheart?”

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