Page 12 of You & Me: Part Two

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As the door closes behind her I find myself alone in the house. I can’t fight the childlike glee I feel with the simple knowledge that he doesn’t seem to hate me and he wants to see me again!

I can’t help it. I have had his phone number since Saturday and only used it once to tell him what time I could meet him for coffee. I dig my phone out of my purse and realize that I already have a text. And it’s from him! I had forgotten that I had turned off the volume after my dad called. Ugh! I forgot about my dad, but he can wait for later.

I hold my breath as I open his text:

Georgia: It was so great to see you and Justine today.

Georgia: I mean it. It was really great to see you.

Gracie: Thank you. It was great to see you and Frances too. Thanks for the coffee. And the scone.

I figured it would be some time before I heard back from him so I walk to the kitchen, toss my phone on the counter, open the fridge and just stand there staring blankly. While in my far away la-la land I hear the ping of my phone. I throw the fridge door shut so hard all the contents inside rattle and I leap to the counter to grab my phone like somebody is going to beat me to it.

Georgia: Frances said it was nice to meet you too.

Gracie: Maybe we can take Frank and Frances for a walk sometime?

Oh crap! Did I just ask him out? Crap! Crap! Crap!

Georgia: She would love that but I am not so sure…Frank’s owner is kind of a player and I hope the apple doesn’t fall anywhere near that tree.

Georgia: Can you tell I’m a bit of an over-protective father?

Gracie: I’ll make sure he’s on this best behavior.

As if he knows we’re talking about him Frank—named after Will Ferrell’s Frank the Tank character in the movie Old School—saunters into the room looks at me, gives me a little snort and then plops himself on the cool kitchen floor.

Georgia: I’ll give him one chance but if he steps one paw out of line they don’t see each other again.

Gracie: Understood.

Georgia: Hey, I have to run, but we’ll talk soon and thanks again for agreeing to coffee.

You would think the high school quarterback had just asked me to prom, not that I had just gotten a handful of platonic text messages from the guy whose heart I broke. I am so giddy I can’t even stand it! I’m bouncing around the house and singing a little JT to Frank, and not even caring if Mickey walked in and caught me. I haven’t felt like this in years.

A few minutes go by and then I’m blessed with the sound of another ping!

Georgia: Just got an email from Mick that the crew is coming over Saturday for a BBQ. Some sort of housewarming party. You gonna be there?

Gracie: Well, this is the first I’m hearing about it but I’m sure I’ll be there. I don’t have any other plans for Saturday night.

Georgia: Good to know.

Gracie: Are you making fun of me and my lack of a social life?

Georgia: Nope, just happy to hear that you’ll be there.

Gracie: Me too.



I can’t believe it’s almost eight o’clock and I am just now on my way to Mick’s! I’ve been looking forward to this for three days and then I get ordered to work overtime on my day off! I’m sure we were below minimums because everybody took the time off to be at Mick’s BBQ. It’s more like a housewarming, but dudes don’t have housewarmings, so he’s calling it a BBQ.

Since seeing Emily on Wednesday I’ve been living in my own little world. Spending time with her that day was like taking in air for the first time in years. Every text that we’ve exchanged in the last three days has started my heart beating again. I feel like the dark cloud that hasn’t left me alone since she walked away from me that day is finally starting to lift a bit.

Our texts have been everything from the mundane about doing laundry or walking the dog, to moments that give me hope that she still feels even just a little bit of what I still feel for her. The conversation that gives me the most hope, but also scares the shit out of me, was from last night as we were saying goodnight.

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