Page 111 of You & Me: Part Two

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“It’s early, sugar, but I need you to get up.”

“Jonathan, it’s Sunday. What is wrong with you?”

“We have to get to the airport. Our flight leaves in a couple hours so get up Sleeping Beauty!” He says as he gives me a little swat on the butt.

“Our flight? Where are we going? What about Ireland?”

“Ireland’s going to be staying with your mom for a couple of days, and don’t worry about where we’re going. Just get up.”

“What do you mean don’t worry about where we’re going? How can I pack if I don’t even know where we are going? I didn’t even say goodbye to Ireland when she went to mom’s last night.”

He takes me by the hand and slowly pulls me up to a sitting position.

“You can call her when we land, and I already packed a bag for you. Now get that fine ass of yours in the shower before I throw you in!”

I follow his orders and before I know it we’re boarding a plane for San Diego. It’s a short flight, and I spend most of it asleep on Jonathan’s shoulder. I’m exhausted but Jonathan seems to have enough energy for the both of us. What is with him?

The plane lands and we collect our luggage. I did notice there is a lot of luggage for a couple of days but am too confused and tired to ask any questions. We head to the rental car check out where Jonathan has rented us a jeep to drive, and it’s red. I love jeeps, especially red ones. None as much as Scarlett, but they’re so much fun! Jonathan doesn’t say much as he throws our bags into the back seat and then drives us off down the road.

I can tell we’re headed in the direction of San Clemente, but I’m surprised when we pull up to the San Onofre Beach cottages. It hasn’t changed a bit, and when Jonathan opens my door and helps me out, he gives me a little grin. But he still doesn’t say a word. Just as I suspected he takes me by the hand and leads me to the same little white cabin we stayed in last time. With each step closer to our cottage, the memories start flooding my mind and my heart starts racing.

Once we’re through the front door, it all comes rushing back even faster. There’s a new couch and kitchen table and chairs but for the most part, it’s all the same. The first thing I do is go out to our little patio to look at the view. It’s still early and a little cool, but the weather is beautiful. As I turn around to head back inside, something catches my eye. On the table, just like before, there’s a gift waiting there. There’s a sticky note on it that says,

Diana helped me woo you last time, so I thought I would keep with tradition.

Love you, Georgia

I’m so very confused because last time we were here he bought me a Diana Gabaldon book. This package isn’t a book. I set the sticky note aside and tear off the paper. Inside are the DVDs for Part 1 and Part 2 of the first season of Outlander.

Jonathan appears in the doorway to the patio and says, “I figured it might be nice to watch it together so I can see what all this ‘Outlander’ craziness is about. I liked Downton Abbey, so I figure I’ll give Outlander a shot too. Besides, I need to see why you, Cami and Alex say this Jamie guy is so freaking great. You know how competitive I can be.”

I throw my arms around him and show him my gratitude the only way I know how; with my lips because I am speechless.

He doesn’t let things get too heated because he has more to show me I discover, as he takes me by the hand and guides me to the kitchen. On the counters, there are all the ingredients for s’mores and I see a Costco sized bag of fishies. He opens the fridge, and I see it’s fully stocked with contents that all seem to look familiar to me. When he opens the freezer, and I can’t help but laugh when I see the carton of vanilla ice cream that says Gracie on it, and the carton of chocolate that says Georgia on it.

He walks up behind me, wraps his arms around me and presses his front to my back. I shut the freezer door and say, “You really have thought of everything, haven’t you?”

“Nah, I just want to make you happy. I’ve relived our first week together over and over again, and I just thought we could try to live a bit of it again together. I know we’re in a different place now, but I thought it might be fun to bring us back to where it all began.”

“I think it’s a great idea. Thank you so much for the getaway. I’m excited for some alone time. Just seeing that chocolate ice cream in the freezer makes me want to start reliving some of those memories right now,” I say trying to turn around in his arms to kiss him and see if we can start our trip down memory lane now.

But I am denied.

“Nope. No can do. If we get started, I won’t be able to stop and I have plans for us. Why don’t you go in the bathroom and change into something that you can hike in. I’ll get a backpack ready.”

“We’re going hiking? Really?”

“Yes, we’re going hiking and you’ll like it. Now get moving, woman!”

He hands me my smallest bag, and I can’t help but think it’s weird that he insists I go into the bathroom to change, and not the bedroom. He’s up to something, but so far so good, so I’m not going to question it too much.

Once I’m ready, he doesn’t waste any time getting us out the door and back into the jeep.

I shouldn’t be surprised, but I am when he pulls into the parking lot for the Las Ramblas Trail. I’m excited because this is the home of our first kiss, but I am dreading the hike. It nearly killed me last time, but I guess I was pregnant and probably a little more tired than usual.

He holds my hand and supplies me with water, snacks ,and conversation as we make our journey up to the flagpole at the top of the viewpoint.

Once there he grows quiet. He puts his arms around me and holds my back to his front. He rests his chin on the top of my head and gently sways us while we admire the view, and take some time to cool off and catch our breath. It’s been fairly quiet on the trail today, and it’s kind of nice that it’s been just the two of us for the most part. It’s especially nice up here with this view.

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