Page 33 of You & Me: Part One

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Would You Wait for Me


It’s Saturday night and here I sit with Cami, Steph and Sam while Jonathan and his ‘boys’ play pool. My eyes never leave him while I tell the girls all about our time together.

“This has really been the best time of my life you guys. I can’t believe it’s almost over.” I can’t help but watch him from across the bar and I feel my eyes start to gloss over with tears.

Cami snaps her fingers in front of my face to get my attention and then grabs my hands and looks me in the eye with all the love of a best friend and a sister.

“Em no, it’s not here yet. You still have a couple of days. No tears. We’re all here to have some fun tonight! Now, tell us what fun and frivolous activities you and that hunky Marine have been up to, and I don’t mean in the bedroom.”

“You’re right, Cam. Thank you,” I say as I shake my head and pull myself together.

“Come on woman, share. You know the three of us bitches are jealous as hell, so start talking!” Steph exclaims.

I look at my friends and feel so fortunate to have them to lean on and support me when things are up or down. Instead of being pissy like so many girlfriends would be, they aren’t mad at all that I ditched them and have spent almost every moment of our ‘girls trip’ with Jonathan. My world outside my Jonathan bubble may suck, but as long as I have these girls with me I know I can get through it. At least I sure hope I can.

“First, I have something to say. You, what was it you said Steph, oh yes . . . bitches, look fan-freaking-tastic! This week has been good to ya’ll.”

Steph says thanks but looks at the other girls with a strange look on her face.

“Emily, sweetie,” Sam says. “Did you just say ya’ll?”

“What? Did I? No, I don’t think I did. Did I?”

“Oh girl, that boy is rubbing off on you. You’re going to turn into a southern belle before you know it!” Cami says as she tries her hand at her own southern belle accent.

“Anyway . . . let’s see. What shenanigans have Jonathan and I been up to? Well, the little cottage we’re staying at is right on the beach and it has this adorable little covered patio and chairs and umbrellas out on the beach. We didn’t really spend too much time there the first few days because we were off exploring. Wednesday we went to Disneyland! Can you believe I had never been before?”

“Ah, how sweet, he got to take you for your first time. That is so romantic, Em.” Sam swoons.

“I know, right? It was so much fun! On Thursday we went to Universal Studios and then made a fire on the beach and made s’mores!”

And danced in the dark . . .

I can hear the giddiness and the excitement in my voice and my friends must think I have lost my mind, but I can’t help it! Every day has been better than the last.

“Friday we stayed around our place.”

Did I just say ‘our’ place? Yikes.

“He went for a run and I read my new Outlander book. Yes, he bought me the new Outlander! Last weekend, when we were walking past some stores, I mentioned that I couldn’t wait to read that book and he remembered and had it waiting for me at the cottage on Tuesday. He’s always doing things like that. I have to be careful what I say I like or want because he’ll have it waiting for me the next time I turn around.” I huff.

“Wow, that sounds just terrible, Em,” Cami says with her usual sarcastic snark.

“No, it doesn’t, Em. Just ignore her. It sounds awesome. Now keep going!” Sam, always the romantic, prodding me along.

“Thanks, Sam. I appreciate you having my back.” I say with my own sarcastic sass to Cami and we both giggle at each other.

“Love you, chica,” Cami says as she blows me a kiss.

“Love you too. Okay, so let’s see where were we?”

“Friday!” Sam and Steph yell at the same time.

“Oh yes, Friday! So we stayed around our place and just chilled and then he tells me we have reservations for dinner but it’s a surprise and for me to get dressed. So, of course I dress up a little bit and wear something a bit on the sexier side of things. For me it was sexy anyway. Where did he take me you ask? Medieval Freaking Times!”

“No way, how was that?” Cami asks as she laughs her ass off.

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